Search strings
Search strings, Web of Science
Action: SDG 14

Search query for SDG 14 - Life below water, Bergen action-approach.

Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development.

Current status: This string is currently a finished version.


  1. Full query in copy-pasteable format
  2. General notes
  3. Marine terms: String for limiting certain phrases to the marine environment
  4. Documentation and string sections for each target
  5. Contributions
  6. Footnotes

1. Full query

Results of the full search in its current state can be viewed on Web of Science by clicking here: (opens in a new tab) (no filters; all years)

2. General notes

This document contains search strings for finding publications related to the actions in the SDG 14 targets and indicators ("action approach"; focus on precision, smaller result set). We also have a version which finds publications related to the topics in the SDG 14 targets and indicators ("topic approach"; focus on recall, larger result set), provided in the same repository as this file. For more explanation, see the Readme in this repository.

This SDG is interpreted to be about the marine environment; however, certain topics are difficult to limit to only this environment without missing large numbers of works. In particular, fisheries research may not always use clear marine words, or may concern both marine and freshwater environments. Some important species move between freshwater and marine habitats (e.g. eel, salmon). Thus, the fishery-related targets (14.4, 14.6 and 14.b) are currently not limited using the marine terms below. Most other phrases are (see notes on individual phrases).

A source of keywords for several targets was OECDs "Marine Protected Areas: Economics, Management and Effective Policy Mixes" (OECD, 2017), and FAOs "State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture" (FAO, 2018). In addition, during editing of this string (2021), we have consulted two other sets of queries for reference: Aurora Universities network (2020) and Rivest et al. (2021).

Targets and Indicators were found from the UN Statistics Division (Statistics Division, 2021a). This list includes "the global indicator framework as contained in A/RES/71/313, the refinements agreed by the Statistical Commission at its 49th session in March 2018 (E/CN.3/2018/2, Annex II) and 50th session in March 2019 (E/CN.3/2019/2, Annex II), changes from the 2020 Comprehensive Review (E/CN.3/2020/2, Annex II) and refinements (E/CN.3/2020/2, Annex III) from the 51st session in March 2020, and refinements from the 52nd session in March 2021 (E/CN.3/2021/2, Annex)". ( (opens in a new tab))

Our classification of countries as least developed countries (LDCs), small island developing states (SIDS) and landlocked developing states (LDS) is taken from the Statistical Annex of United Nations World Economic Situation and Prospects (tables F, H and I) (United Nations, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021). Additional terms for these countries, generic terms for country groups, and terms for low and middle income countries (LMICs) were gathered from the LMIC 2020 filter from the Norwegian Satellite of Cochrane Effective Practice and Organisation of Care (EPOC), developed by the Norwegian Institute of Public Heath ( (opens in a new tab)).

3. Marine terms: String for limiting certain phrases to the marine environment

This string is referred to as marine terms, and should be combined with various other sets with AND (when instructed) to limit the results to the marine environment. It is not combined with fishery targets (14.4, 14.6 and 14.b). It does not work perfectly, as a number of publications may be about e.g. freshwater habitats, but still mention marine habitats in a comparative way. "Coastal" is also a tricky term, as is often used for terrestrial habitats. This is difficult to avoid.

The first part (TS=) consists of generic terms, marine ecosystems/habitats, and terms to do with the coast/harbours. seaweed$ and macroalga* are combined with other terms to prevent inclusion based on mentions of seaweeds (e.g. seaweed extracts used in industrial processes). reef is used rather than coral as additions only due to the latter are mostly non-relevant ("coral-like structures".) coast and sea are combined with other terms to avoid results that are not really about the ocean (e.g. terrestrial work in "Mediterranean Sea countries"). harbour is combined with other terms due to its use as a verb, and port due to use in other fields (e.g. electronics).

The second part (SO=) consists of marine journal titles. Journal search is used as not all publications use marine words in their abstract, title or keywords (e.g. if they are discussing a specifc marine species for an audience who knows it is marine). Journals were not included if they had non-marine elements in the title (e.g. Freshwater or Atmospheric). List gathered from Master journal list in Web of Science. The first line of this segment will find journals that begin with "marine*" OR "ocean*" OR "estuar*" OR "deep sea*".

I considered adding the 25 most common marine fisheries species (FAO, 2018), however this gave few extra relevant results. It introduced a lot more noise with the use of MPA in 14.2/14.5, as this is commonly used as a unit of pressure (MPa) when discussing the processing of these species for food. Relevant species include: "theragra chalcogramma" OR "engraulis ringens" OR "katsuwonus pelamis" OR "sardinella" OR "trachurus" OR "clupea harengus" OR "scomber japonicus" OR "thunnus albacares" OR "gadus morhua" OR "engraulis japonicus" OR "decapterus" OR "sardina pilchardus" OR "trichiurus lepturus" OR "micromesistius poutassou" OR "scomber scombrus" OR "scomberomorus" OR "dosidicus gigas" OR "nemipterus" OR "brevoortia patronus" OR "sprattus sprattus" OR "portunus trituberculatus" OR "acetes japonicus" OR "sardinops melaonstictus" OR "scomber colias" OR "rastrelliger kanagurta".

  "ocean$" OR "oceanogra*" OR "marine" OR "submarine" OR "seas"
  OR "seabed" OR "seamount$" OR "hydrothermal vent$" OR "cold seep$" OR "continental shelf" OR "continental shelves" OR "continental slope"
  OR "subtidal" OR "intertidal" OR "deep sea" OR "bathyal" OR "abyssal"
  OR "rocky shore$" OR "beach*" OR "salt marsh*" OR "mud flat$" OR "mudflat$" OR "*tidal flat" OR "*tidal flats"
  OR "estuar*" OR "fjord$"
  OR "sea ice"
  OR "sea life" OR "sealife"
  OR "mangrove$"
  OR "kelp bed$" OR "kelp forest$" OR "seagrass*"
  OR (("seaweed$" OR "macroalga*") NEAR/5 ("bed$" OR "assemblage$" OR "communit*"))
  OR "sponge ground$" OR "organic fall$"
  OR "reef" OR "reefs"
  OR "coastal habitat$" OR "coastal ecosystem$" OR "coastal dune$" OR "coastal wetland$"
  OR "coastal water$" OR "coastal current$" OR "tidal current$"
  OR "coastal communit*" OR "coastal zone management"
      ("coast*" OR "*tidal")
          ("marsh*" OR "wetland$" OR "bay$" OR "gulf" OR "lagoon$"
          OR "offshore" OR "fish*" OR "aquaculture" OR "shrimp" OR "shellfish"
          ("marsh*" OR "wetland$" OR "bay$" OR "gulf" OR "lagoon$"
          OR "offshore" OR "ship*"
          OR "fish*" OR "aquaculture" OR "shrimp" OR "shellfish"
          OR "*tidal" OR "pelagic"
      ("harbour$" OR "harbor$" OR "port" OR "ports")
      AND ("sea" OR "coast*" OR "gulf" OR "ship*" OR "maritime")
SO =
  "marine*" OR "ocean*" OR "estuar*" OR "deep sea*"
  OR "Annual review of marine*"
  OR "Advances in marine*"
  OR "African journal of marine*"
  OR "Applied ocean*"
  OR "Acta ocean*"
  OR "Annales de l institut ocean*"
  OR "Archive of fishery and marine*"
  OR "Asia-pacific journal of ocean law and policy"
  OR "Biologiya moray marine*"
  OR "Bulletin of marine*"
  OR "Brazilian journal of ocean*"
  OR "California cooperative ocean*"
  OR "Cahiers de biologie marine*"
  OR "Cahiers orstom ocean*"
  OR "China ocean*"
  OR "Ciencias Marinas"
  OR "Coastal engineering"
  OR "Coral reefs"
  OR "Esturaries and coasts"
  OR "Estuarine coastal and shelf science"
  OR "Frontiers in marine*"
  OR "Fisheries ocean*"
  OR "Fishery bulletin of the national ocean*"
  OR "IEEE journal of ocean*"
  OR "International journal of naval architecture and ocean*"
  OR "Geo marine*"
  OR "Gulf and Caribbean Research"
  OR "Helgoland marine*"
  OR "ICES journal of marine*"
  OR "Indian journal of marine*"
  OR "International journal of marine*"
  OR "Journal of experimental marine*"
  OR "Journal of geophysical research ocean*"
  OR "Journal of marine*"
  OR "Journal of the marine*"
  OR "Journal of ocean*"
  OR "Journal of operational ocean*"
  OR "Journal of physical ocean*"
  OR "Journal of sea research"
  OR "Journal of the waterway port coastal and ocean*"
  OR "Mediterranean marine science"
  OR "Meeresforschung reports on marine*"
  OR "mer marine*"
  OR "molecular marine*"
  OR "Physical ocean*"
  OR "Progress in ocean*"
  OR "Regional studies in marine*"
  OR "Research in marine*"
  OR "Revista de biologia marina y ocean*"
  OR "Russian journal of marine*"
  OR "Scientia marina"
  OR "Sea technology"
  OR "Ships and offshore structures"
  OR "South African journal of marine*"
  OR "Thalassas"
  OR "Transnav international journal on marine*"
  OR "Vie et milieu serie a biologie marine*"
  OR "Vie et milieu serie b ocean*"

4. Targets

Target 14.1

14.1 By 2025, prevent and significantly reduce marine pollution of all kinds, in particular from land-based activities, including marine debris and nutrient pollution

14.1.1 (a) Index of coastal eutrophication; and (b) plastic debris density

This target is interpreted to cover research about the prevention and reduction of marine pollution. We consider the establishment/improvement of pollution monitoring to fall under prevention.

Lloyd-Smith and Immig (2018) was used to supplement with marine pollution types, as well as types mentioned in relation to the Global Programme of Action for the Protection of the Marine Environment from Land-based Activities (UN Environment Programme, n.d.). The NOT PM.2.5 OR PM10 expression at the end was included to remove aspects of atmospheric pollution which can include terms for coast.

It consists of 3 phrases.

Phrase 1

The general structure is action + pollution. This phrase should be combined with marine terms (opens in a new tab) with AND.

The pollution terms and structure are mostly the same between the three phrases; the difference is the action terms, and how closely they are combined with these (closely combined terms in phrase 1 (NEAR/5), medium in phrase 2 (NEAR/15), and loosely in phrase 3 (AND)). In this phrase, the action terms consist of general actions.

Action terms: tackle is not included as an action term as it could be a type of marine debris.

Pollution terms: pollution covers various kinds (e.g. noise pollution). waste OR discharge are limited to certain fields as they are such general words (e.g. fish waste, heat waste). In this phrase, some pollutants (e.g. mercury) need to be combined with contamination, because there are papers discussing their removal from e.g. gases in industrial processes using marine organisms. Currently chemical symbols for these metals are not included as it is diffiult to avoid noise, but this can be reconsidered (and they are included in the topic approach). This phrase does not include waste management like the others because it does not fit with these action terms.

    ("prevent*" OR "avoid*" OR "stop*" OR "remov*" OR "eliminat*" OR "combat" OR "fight"
    OR "minimi*" OR "restrict*" OR "mitigat*" OR "alleviat*" OR "reduc*" OR "decreas*"
    OR "prohibit*" OR "protect*"
    OR "remediate" OR "remediation" OR "cleanup" OR "clean up"
        OR "wastewater" OR "waste water" OR "sewage" OR "sewer$"
        OR "eutrophicat*" OR "excess nutrient$" OR "excessive nutrient$"
        OR "effluent$" OR "nutrient runoff" OR "nutrient run off"
            ("aquaculture" OR "farm*" OR "industr*" OR "livestock" OR "agricultur*" OR "household$" OR "domestic" OR "urban" OR "radioactive")
                ("waste" OR "discharge" OR "runoff" OR "run off")          
        OR "litter" OR "littering" OR "garbage patch"
        OR ("debris" NEAR/5 ("coastal" OR "marine" OR "ocean*"))
        OR "plastic$" OR "microplastic$" OR "micro plastic$" OR "nanoplastic$" OR "nano plastic$"
            ("heavy metal$" OR "toxic metal$" OR "mercury" OR "arsenic" OR "cadmium" OR "chromium" OR "copper" OR "nickel" 
            OR "organotin$" OR "tributyltin" OR "TBT" OR "mining" OR "mine tailing$" OR "oil"
            NEAR/15 "contamination"   
        OR "contaminated" OR "contaminant$" OR "bioaccumula*" OR "bioconcentrat*" OR "ecotox*" OR "toxic chemical$"
        OR "endocrine disrupting chemical$"
        OR "persistent organic pollutant$" OR "pesticide$" OR "herbicide$" OR "polychlorinated biphenyl$" OR "PCB" OR "DDT" OR "hexachlorocyclohexane" OR "hexachlorobenzene" OR "hexachlorobutadiene" OR "pentachlorobenzene" OR "pentachlorophenol" OR "pentachloroanisole" OR "hexabromocyclododecane" OR "polybrominated diphenyl ether$" OR "perflurochemicals" OR "PFAS" OR "endosulfan"
        OR "polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon$" OR "PAH"
        OR "oil spill$"
  NOT ("PM2.5" OR "PM10" OR "leaf litter")

Phrase 2

The general structure is action + pollution tech/treatments + pollution. This phrase should be combined with marine terms (opens in a new tab) with AND.

The pollution terms and structure are mostly the same between the three phrases; the difference is the action terms, and how closely they are combined with these (closely combined terms in phrase 1 (NEAR/5), medium in phrase 2 (NEAR/15), and loosely in phrase 3 (AND)). In this phrase, the action terms consist of general actions and "pollution actions".

The development of indicators is included as part of prevention (monitoring). pollution covers various kinds (e.g. noise pollution). waste OR discharge are limited to certain fields as they are such general words (e.g. fish waste, heat waste).

        ("improv*" OR "strengthen*" OR "enhanc*" OR "scal* up" OR "upgrad*"
        OR "develop" OR "developing" OR "implement*" OR "establish*" OR "build*" OR "propose*" OR "introduce" OR "design*" OR "adopt*"
        OR "enforc*" OR "prioriti*"
            ("treatment" OR "recovery"
            OR "technolog*"
            OR "monitor*" OR "assess*"
            OR "indicator$" OR "bioindicator$" OR "index" OR "indices"
            OR "life cycle assess*" OR "LCA"
            OR "environment* assess*" OR "environment* impact assess*"
            OR "manag*" OR "pollution control$"
            OR "strategy" OR "strategies" OR "regulat*" OR "legislat*" OR "policy" OR "policies" OR "framework" OR "programme"
        (  "pollut*"
        OR "wastewater" OR "waste water" OR "sewage"
        OR "eutrophicat*" OR "excess nutrient$" OR "excessive nutrient$"
        OR "effluent$" OR "nutrient runoff" OR "nutrient run off"
            ("aquaculture" OR "farm*" OR "industr*" OR "livestock" OR "agricultur*" OR "household$" OR "domestic" OR "urban" OR "radioactive")
                ("waste" OR "discharge" OR "runoff" OR "run off")          
        OR "waste management"
        OR "litter" OR "littering" OR "garbage patch"
        OR ("debris" NEAR/5 ("coastal" OR "marine" OR "ocean*"))
        OR "plastic$" OR "microplastic$" OR "micro plastic$" OR "nanoplastic$" OR "nano plastic$"
            ("heavy metal$" OR "toxic metal$" OR "mercury" OR "arsenic" OR "cadmium" OR "chromium" OR "copper" OR "nickel" 
            OR "organotin$" OR "tributyltin" OR "TBT" OR "mining" OR "mine tailing$" OR "oil"
            NEAR/15 "contamination"          
        OR "contaminated" OR "contaminant$" OR "bioaccumula*" OR "bioconcentrat*" OR "ecotox*" OR "toxic chemical$"
        OR "endocrine disrupting chemical$"
        OR "persistent organic pollutant$" OR "pesticide$" OR "herbicide$" OR "polychlorinated biphenyl$" OR "PCB" OR "DDT" OR "hexachlorocyclohexane" OR "hexachlorobenzene" OR "hexachlorobutadiene" OR "pentachlorobenzene" OR "pentachlorophenol" OR "pentachloroanisole" OR "hexabromocyclododecane" OR "polybrominated diphenyl ether$" OR "perflurochemicals" OR "PFAS" OR "endosulfan"
        OR "polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon$" OR "PAH"
        OR "oil spill$"
  NOT ("PM2.5" OR "PM10")

Phrase 3

The general structure is action + pollution. This phrase should be combined with marine terms (opens in a new tab) with AND.

The pollution terms and structure are mostly the same between the three phrases; the difference is the action terms, and how closely they are combined with these (closely combined terms in phrase 1 (NEAR/5), medium in phrase 2 (NEAR/15), and loosely in phrase 3 (AND)). In this phrase, the action terms consist of frameworks and specific phrases that indicate action. While these frameworks are not actions in themselves, we consider works mentioning them likely to be action-oriented.

limit pollution was specified to avoid "pollution limits".

  • The OSPAR convention is the Convention for the protection of the marine environment of the North-East Atlantic, and covers the prevention and elimination of pollution.
  • The Water Framework Directive and Marine Strategy Framework Directives from the EU, and covers pollution and marine litter (respectively) as one of their topics. The Barcelona convention refers to the Mediterranean.
  • Global Programme of Action for the Protection of the Marine Environment from Land-based Activities is hosted by the UN environment program, and is an intergovernmental action program.
  • MARPOL is the International convention for the prevention of pollution from ships (International Maritime Organization)

pollution covers various kinds (e.g. noise pollution). In this phrase, specific pollutants (e.g. mercury) do not need to be combined with pollution or contamination, because the action terms are all related to pollution.

    ("limit pollut*" OR "control pollut*"
    OR "biosorption" OR "bioremediat*"
    OR "water framework directive"
    OR "OSPAR convention"
    OR "Marine strategy framework directive"
    OR "Barcelona convention"
    OR "Global Programme of Action for the Protection of the Marine Environment"
    OR "MARPOL" OR "prevention of pollution from ships"
        (  "pollut*"
        OR "wastewater" OR "waste water" OR "sewage" OR "sewer$"
        OR "eutrophicat*" OR "excess nutrient$" OR "excessive nutrient$"
        OR "effluent$" OR "runoff" OR "run off"
            ("aquaculture" OR "farm*" OR "industr*" OR "livestock" OR "agricultur*" OR "household$" OR "domestic" OR "urban" OR "radioactive")
            NEAR/15 ("waste" OR "discharge")          
        OR "waste management"
        OR "litter" OR "littering" OR "garbage patch"
        OR ("debris" NEAR/5 ("coastal" OR "marine" OR "ocean*"))
        OR "plastic$" OR "microplastic$" OR "micro plastic$" OR "nanoplastic$" OR "nano plastic$"
        OR "heavy metal$" OR "toxic metal$" OR "mercury" OR "arsenic" OR "cadmium" OR "chromium" OR "copper" OR "nickel" 
        OR "organotin$" OR "tributyltin" OR "TBT" OR "mining" OR "mine tailing$" OR "oil"
        OR "contaminated" OR "contaminant$" OR "bioaccumula*" OR "bioconcentrat*" OR "ecotox*" OR "toxic chemical$"
        OR "endocrine disrupting chemical$"
        OR "persistent organic pollutant$" OR "pesticide$" OR "herbicide$" OR "polychlorinated biphenyl$" OR "PCB" OR "DDT" OR "hexachlorocyclohexane" OR "hexachlorobenzene" OR "hexachlorobutadiene" OR "pentachlorobenzene" OR "Pentachlorophenol" OR "pentachloroanisole" OR "hexabromocyclododecane" OR "polybrominated diphenyl ether$" OR "perflurochemicals" OR "PFAS" OR "endosulfan"
        OR "polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon$" OR "PAH"
  NOT ("PM2.5" OR "PM10")

Target 14.2

14.2 By 2020, sustainably manage and protect marine and coastal ecosystems to avoid significant adverse impacts, including by strengthening their resilience, and take action for their restoration in order to achieve healthy and productive oceans

14.2.1 Number of countries using ecosystem-based approaches to managing marine areas

Target 14.2 is interpreted to cover research about

  • improving management of marine/coastal ecosystems
  • increasing/improving protection of these ecosystems, which would include establishment and management of marine protected areas (MPAs)
  • restoring these ecosystems Note, interpreting "protect" to include establishment of MPAs means that relevant research for this target includes research considered relevant to target 14.5.

This query consists of 3 phrases. Phrase 1 covers the establishment/management of protected areas. Phrase 2 covers the establishment/improvement of specific sustainable management approaches. Phrase 3 covers research about restoring, protecting, conserving or managing marine ecosystems.

Phrase 1

This phrase covers the establishment/management of protected areas. The general structure is action + protected areas. This phrase should be combined with marine terms (opens in a new tab) with AND.

For our interpretation of "protection" we include several types of protected areas (which have different degrees of protection); for example, no take zone$, conservation zone$, marine protected area$. The phrase "protect*" OR "conservation" NEAR/3 "area*" or "zone" will cover "marine protected areas" and "marine conservation zones".

  ("designat*" OR "placement" OR "delineat*" OR "expand*" OR "extend"
  OR "design" OR "designing" OR "create" OR "creation" OR "creating" OR "develop" OR "development"
  OR "establish*" OR "propose*" OR "proposal$" OR "implement*" OR "prioriti$e"
  OR "plans" OR "plan" OR "planned" OR "planning"
  OR "policy" OR "policies" OR "initiativ*" OR "framework" OR "governance" OR "manag*"
  OR "enforce" OR "enforcement" OR "enforcing"
  OR "strengthen" OR "improv*"
      ("MPA" OR "MPAs" OR "LSMPA$" OR "marine reserve$" OR "ocean reserve$" OR "marine park$"
      OR "particularly sensitive sea area$"
          ("protect*" OR "conserved" OR "conservation" OR "conserves" OR "conserving")
          NEAR/3 ("area$" OR "zone$" OR "habitat$" OR "ecosystem$")
      OR ("no-take" NEAR/3 ("area$" OR "zone*" OR "reserve$")) OR "NTMR$"

Phrase 2

Phrase 2 covers the establishment/improvement of sustainable management approaches. The general structure is action + sustainable management. This phrase should be combined with marine terms (opens in a new tab) with AND.

  ("designat*" OR "placement" OR "delineat*" OR "expand*" OR "extend"
  OR "design" OR "designing" OR "create" OR "creation" OR "creating"
  OR "establish*" OR "propos*" OR "proposal$" OR "implement*" OR "prioriti$e"
  OR "plans" OR "plan" OR "policy" OR "policies" OR "initiativ*" OR "framework" OR "governance"
  OR "enforce" OR "enforcement" OR "enforcing"
  OR "strengthen" OR "improv*" OR "enhance" OR "facilitat*" OR "support*"
      ("marine spatial planning" OR "spatial management"
      OR "coastal zone management" OR "integrated coastal zone planning" OR "ICZM"
      OR "coastal resources management"
      OR "community based management"
      OR "locally managed marine area$" OR "LMMA$"
      OR "resilience based management"
      OR "herbivore management area$"
      OR ("sustainab*" NEAR/5 ("manag*" OR "govern*"))
          ("ecosystem-based" OR "area-based")
          NEAR/5 ("manag*" OR "approach*" OR "govern*")

Phrase 3

Phrase 3 covers research about restoring, protecting, conserving or managing marine ecosystems. The general structure is action + marine ecosystems or elements. This phrase should be combined with marine terms (opens in a new tab) with AND.

The action terms for this string are challenging because one can talk about "how to conserve the marine environment" (relevant), but could also just mention "the study was carried out in a conservation area" (less relevant). Therefore, verbs for manage/protect etc. are used alone, but other forms of these words are combined with other actions (e.g. establishing management, improving protection etc).

Under the marine ecosystems/elements, we include habitats, elements of ocean health, elements of production, and some specific pieces of legislation to do with conservation/protection. Terms to do with ocean health include various terms to do with functioning ecosystems and services for humans, diversity at various levels (important for ecosystem functioning, resilience and services), key species and foundation species (whose presence is important for ecosystem maintenance), and water quality (can be a driver of species loss).BBNJ is a concept most often used to highlight the difficulties conserving biodiversity beyond national waters, so any publications mentioning it are assumed to be about protection/management.

  ("manage" OR "conserve" OR "protect" OR "restore"
      ("designat*" OR "placement" OR "expand*" OR "extend"
      OR "design" OR "designing" OR "create" OR "creation" OR "creating"
      OR "establish*" OR "propose*" OR "proposal$" OR "implement*" OR "prioriti$e"
      OR "plans" OR "plan" OR "planned" OR "planning" OR "policy" OR "policies" OR "initiativ*" OR "framework" OR "strategy" OR "governance"
      OR "enforce" OR "enforcement" OR "enforcing"
      OR "increas*" OR "strengthen" OR "improv*" OR "enhance" OR "facilitat*"
      OR "preserv*" OR "support*" OR "ensur*"
        ("management" OR "conservation" OR "protection" OR "restoration" OR "sustainable")
      ("ecosystem$" OR "habitat$" OR "communit*"
      OR "mangrove$" OR "kelp bed$" OR "kelp forest$" OR "seagrass*"
      OR (("seaweed$" OR "macroalga*") NEAR/5 ("bed$" OR "assemblage$" OR "communit*"))
      OR "sponge ground$" OR "reef" OR "reefs" OR "coral$"
      OR "salt marsh*" OR "mud flat$" OR "mudflat$" OR "*tidal flat" OR "*tidal flats"
      OR "estuar*" OR "fjord$" OR "coastal habitat$" OR "coastal ecosystem$" OR "coastal dune$" OR "coastal wetland$" OR "coastal water$"
          ("ocean$" OR "environment*")
              ("health$" OR "recovery" OR "service$" OR "functioning" OR "function$"
              OR "quality" OR "integrity" OR "stability" OR "resilien*"
      OR "water quality"
      OR "biodiversity" OR "biological diversity" OR "species diversity" OR "functional diversity" OR "genetic diversity" OR "taxonomic diversity"
      OR ("diversity" NEAR/3 ("beyond national jurisdiction" OR "beyond areas of national jurisdiction" OR "ABNJ"))
      OR "BBNJ"
      OR "tipping point$" OR "extinction$"
      OR "key species" OR "keystone species" OR "foundation species" OR "habitat forming species"
      OR "productivity" OR "food production" OR "fish stock$" OR "fishery" OR "fisheries" OR "aquaculture"
      OR ("no-take" NEAR/3 ("area*" OR "zone*"))
      OR "Habitats directive"
      OR "Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources" OR "CCAMLR"
      OR "Lima convention" OR "Nairobi convention" OR "Noumea convention" OR "Barcelona convention" OR "World heritage convention"
      OR "International coral reef initiative"

Target 14.3

14.3 Minimize and address the impacts of ocean acidification, including through enhanced scientific cooperation at all levels

14.3.1 Average marine acidity (pH) measured at agreed suite of representative sampling stations

The target is interpreted to cover research that focuses on minimising the impacts of ocean acidification (OA). We interpret "address" also as a term meaning to limit/combat, and consider research about improving resilience/reducing vulnerability to OA as relevant, as well as research about what decreases resilience. Note that this is quite a strict interpretation - there is much research about understanding and documenting the effects of ocean acidification, but research about reducing these effects may be much less. The topic approach covers a wider interpretation.

The general structure is action + impacts + acidification.

Acidification terms: ph returns results from industrial processes, thus is combined in phrases. OA is a common abbreviation (e.g. osteoarthritis) and will find "okadeic acid" (shellfish poisoning) if used alone, hence the AND ocean$ term (marine is not included, as often use "marine toxin"). Using all the marine terms (minus "marine") vs. just using AND ocean$ adds almost no extra results (last 5 years); likely because "ocean acidification" is such a well-established term.

Impact terms: In this action-approach, only general impact terms are included (e.g. impact*) as these work best with action terms (e.g. reduc*). Terms for specific processes that can be affected are not really needed and can cause noise if trying to limit to research talking about how to minimise impacts (e.g. "this can reduce effects of OA on calcification" = minimising impact, but "OA reduces calcification" = just an impact). However, for the topic approach, terms for major biological processes that can be impacted are added ("calcif*" OR "decalcif*" OR "calcium carbonate" OR "dissol*" OR "aragonite" OR "calcite" OR "carbonate saturation" OR "extinction" OR "adaptation" OR "adaptive capacity" OR "competition" OR "recruitment" OR "survival" OR "reproduction").

TS =
        ("decreas*" OR "minimi*" OR "reduc*" OR "limit" OR "mitigat*" OR "alleviat*"
        OR "fight*" OR "combat*" OR "tackl*" OR "resist*"
        OR "stop*" OR "avoid*" OR "prevent*" OR "halt*"       
          ("impact*" OR "effect$" OR "affect$" OR "response$" OR "consequence$"
          OR "results in" OR "changes" OR "alter*"
          OR "sensitiv*" OR "vulnerab*" OR "threat*"
          OR "resilience" OR "adaptive capacity" OR "coping" OR "toleranc*"
        ("increas*" OR "strengthen*" OR "improv*" OR "restor*" OR "enhanc*"
        OR "maintain*" OR "preserv*"
        NEAR/5 ("resilience" OR "adaptive capacity" OR "coping" OR "toleranc*")
        ("acidi*" OR "OA" OR "ocean ph" OR "seawater ph"
        OR "low ph" OR "declining ph" OR "decreas* ph" OR "effect$ of ph"
  AND "ocean$"

Target 14.4

14.4 By 2020, effectively regulate harvesting and end overfishing, illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing and destructive fishing practices and implement science-based management plans, in order to restore fish stocks in the shortest time feasible, at least to levels that can produce maximum sustainable yield as determined by their biological characteristics

14.4.1 Proportion of fish stocks within biologically sustainable levels

This target is interpreted to cover research about:

  • ending overfishing, illegal/unreported fishing (IUU fishing) and destructive fishing (phrase 1 & 2)
  • implementation of science-based fisheries management (phrase 3)

Whether specific fishing types should be included as a "destructive" practice is difficult as the meaning and scope of this term varies - see discussion in Willer et al. (2022). In general, we focus in our strings on including terms for "destructive", leaving the classification up to the authors themselves. However, Willer et al. did find that blast and poison fishing are practices mentioned very often in conjunction with "destructive", and thus we include these concepts in our strings. Bottom trawling is a more difficult and debated type to place, although commonly linked to destructive fishing, particularly with variations in terminology (see discussion in the paper). We therefore combine trawling with terms for damage or destruction.

We also consider abandoned, lost and discarded gear to lie under destructive fishing - even though it is not fishing per se, it is damage to marine life related to fishing activities. bycatch is discarded/unwanted catch; we have included it here as it can contribute to overfishing or harm to endangered species. Fishery collapse OR closure$ are also included as relevant to overfishing; even when overfishing is not the primary cause, they are related to science-based management (also covered by this target).

Specific fish species as search terms are not needed in this query because the focus is on fisheries (fisherpeople, fishermen, fishing, fishery, fisheries), not the biology of individual fish species outside of fisheries. Therefore, even publications on specific fish species must use the terms fishery etc.

Phrase 1

The basic structure is generic action + overfishing/illegal/destructive fishing. The overfishing terms are the same in phrase 1 and phrase 2, but the action terms differ and are added at a closer distance in phrase 1.

  ("prevent*" OR "avoid*" OR "stop*" OR "end" OR "ending"
  OR "tackling" OR "tackle" OR "restrict*" OR "combat*"
  OR "reduc*" OR "decreas*" OR "minimi*" OR "mitigat*" OR "remov*" OR "limit$" OR "limiting" OR "limited"
  OR "manag*" OR "regulat*" OR "solution$" OR "monitor*"
      OR "bycatch" OR "by-catch"
      OR "IUU fishing"
      OR (("gear" OR "nets") NEAR/5 ("abandoned" OR "lost" OR "discarded"))
      OR "ghost fishing" OR "ghost nets" OR "ALDFG" OR "poison fishing"
          ("overharvest*" OR "overexploit*" OR "overcapacity" OR "collaps*" OR "closure$"
          OR "illegal*" OR "unreport*" OR "unregulated" OR "corruption" OR "destructive" OR "blast" OR "dynamite" OR "cyanide"
          NEAR/15 ("fishing" OR "fisher*" OR "shellfish*" OR "trawl*")
      OR ("trawl*" NEAR/15 ("degrad*" OR "damag*"))

Phrase 2

The basic structure is instrument actions + overfishing/illegal/destructive fishing. The overfishing terms are the same in phrase 1 and phrase 2, but the action terms differ and are added at a closer distance in phrase 1.

In this phrase, relevant legislation and organisations which have a focus on reducing illegal/overfishing included as actions, as legislation is a way of inducing action. FAO (2018) was used as a source of relevant legislation.

  ("marine stewardship council"
  OR "regional fisheries management organi?ation$" OR "RFMOs"
  OR "UNCLOS" OR "convention on the law of the sea"
  OR "fish stocks agreement"
  OR "code of conduct for responsible fisheries" OR "CCRF"
  OR "port state measures agreement" OR "PSMA"
  OR "UNFSA" OR "Management of Straddling Fish Stocks" OR "Management of Highly Migratory Fish Stocks"
  OR "common fisheries policy"
  OR "deep-sea fisheries guidelines" OR "Management of Deep-sea Fisheries in the High Seas"
  OR "law$" OR "legislation" OR "instrument$" OR "strateg*" OR "policy" OR "policies" OR "framework" OR "agreement*" OR "treaty" OR "treaties"
  OR "criminali*" OR "catch documentation" OR "surveillance" OR "regulation$" OR "regulated" OR "regulating" OR "enforc*"
      OR "bycatch" OR "by-catch"
      OR "IUU fishing"
      OR (("gear" OR "nets") NEAR/5 ("abandoned" OR "lost" OR "discarded"))
      OR "ghost fishing" OR "ghost nets" OR "ALDFG" OR "poison fishing"
          ("overharvest*" OR "overexploit*" OR "overcapacity" OR "collaps*" OR "closure$"
          OR "illegal*" OR "unreport*" OR "unregulated" OR "destructive" OR "blast" OR "dynamite" OR "cyanide"
          NEAR/15 ("fishing" OR "fisher*" OR "shellfish*" OR "trawl*")
      OR ("trawl*" NEAR/15 ("degrad*" OR "damag*"))

Phrase 3

The basic structure is action + management/restoration + fisheries. This phrase differs to phrases 1 and 2 in that it focuses on sustainable management, rather than overfishing or IUU fishing.

management will find a number of terms, e.g. "science-based management", "ecosystem based (fisheries) management" (EBFM), "area based management", "fisheries management policy" etc. Policies and frameworks which call for good management are included among the management terms; FAO (2018) was used as a source of relevant legislation. Research about both the establishment and avoidance of fishery closures is considered to be relevant to implementing good management, as is research about the max. sustainable yield.

    ("implement*" OR "establish*" OR "introduc*" OR "adopt*" OR "integrate" OR "integrating" OR "design*" OR "propos*" OR "develop*"
    OR "ensur*" OR "enforc*" OR "ratif*" OR "fulfill*" OR "into practice" OR "praxis"
    OR "negotiat*" OR "reform*" OR "improv*" OR "better"         
      ("manag*" OR "plan" OR "planning" OR "governance"
      OR "restor*" OR "stock recovery"
      OR "sustainab*"
      OR "EBFM" OR "ecosystem approach*"
      OR "maximum sustainable yield*" OR "MSY"
      OR "marine stewardship council"
      OR "regional fisheries management organi?ation$" OR "RFMOs"
      OR "UNCLOS" OR "convention on the law of the sea"
      OR "fish stocks agreement"
      OR "code of conduct for responsible fisheries" OR "CCRF"
      OR "port state measures agreement"
      OR "UNFSA" OR "Management of Straddling Fish Stocks" OR "Management of Highly Migratory Fish Stocks"
      OR "deep-sea fisheries guidelines" OR "Management of Deep-sea Fisheries in the High Seas"
      OR "common fisheries policy"
      OR "law$" OR "legislation" OR "instrument$" OR "strateg*" OR "policy" OR "policies" OR "framework" OR "agreement*" OR "treaty" OR "treaties"
      ("fishery" OR "fisheries" OR "fishing"
      OR (("harvest*") NEAR/15 ("fish*" OR "shellfish*"))
      OR "fish stock$" OR "overfishing"
      OR ("catch" NEAR/3 ("entitlement" OR "limit$" OR "tolerance$"))

Target 14.5

14.5 By 2020, conserve at least 10 per cent of coastal and marine areas, consistent with national and international law and based on the best available scientific information

14.5.1 Coverage of protected areas in relation to marine areas

The target is interpreted to cover research about the establishment and management of marine protected areas. This interpretation overlaps with our interpretation of 14.2 - while 14.2 is not explicitly about marine protected areas, "protect" is stated as one of the actions, so we consider research on the establishment/maintenance of MPAs to fall under 14.2 as well as 14.5.

This query consists of 1 phrase. The general structure is action + protected areas. This phrase should be combined with marine terms (opens in a new tab) with AND. The phrase is identical to 14.2 phrase 1.

Conserving areas of the ocean is considered widely to include several types of protected areas (which have different degrees of protection); for example, no take zone$, conservation zone$, marine protected area$. The phrase "protect*" OR "conservation" NEAR/3 "area*" or "zone" will cover "marine protected areas" and "marine conservation zones". For the action terms, I tested with ("increas*" NEAR/3 ("cover" OR "area" OR "size" OR "extent" OR "coverage")) but it mostly gave noise.

  ("designat*" OR "placement" OR "delineat*" OR "expand*" OR "extend"
  OR "design" OR "designing" OR "create" OR "creation" OR "creating" OR "develop" OR "development"
  OR "establish*" OR "propose*" OR "proposal$" OR "implement*" OR "prioriti$e"
  OR "plans" OR "plan" OR "planned" OR "planning"
  OR "policy" OR "policies" OR "initiativ*" OR "framework" OR "governance" OR "manag*"
  OR "enforce" OR "enforcement" OR "enforcing"
  OR "strengthen" OR "improv*"
      ("MPA" OR "MPAs" OR "LSMPA$" OR "marine reserve$" OR "ocean reserve$" OR "marine park$"
      OR "particularly sensitive sea area$"
          ("protect*" OR "conserved" OR "conservation" OR "conserves" OR "conserving")
          NEAR/3 ("area$" OR "zone$" OR "habitat$" OR "ecosystem$")
      OR ("no-take" NEAR/3 ("area$" OR "zone*" OR "reserve$")) OR "NTMR$"

Target 14.6

14.6 By 2020, prohibit certain forms of fisheries subsidies which contribute to overcapacity and overfishing, eliminate subsidies that contribute to illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing and refrain from introducing new such subsidies, recognizing that appropriate and effective special and differential treatment for developing and least developed countries should be an integral part of the World Trade Organization fisheries subsidies negotiation*

*Taking into account ongoing World Trade Organization negotiations, the Doha Development Agenda and the Hong Kong ministerial mandate.

14.6.1 Degree of implementation of international instruments aiming to combat illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing

This target is interpreted to cover research about reducing/eliminating fisheries subsidies that contribute to negative outcomes (overcapacity, overfishing, and IUU finishing). We also consider research about fisheries and development assistance, fisheries and the WTO, or fisheries and the mandates mentioned in the target to be relevant.

This query consists of 2 phrases.

Phrase 1

The general structure is action + subsidies + fisheries.

The generic trm fishing will find "IUU fishing". "larval subsidi*" OR "recruitment subsidi*" are terms to do with fish population dynamics and are excluded.

TS =
      ("reduc*" OR "limit" OR "minimi*"
      OR "prohibit*" OR "eliminat*" OR "ban" OR "banning" OR "banned" OR "cut*"
      OR "remov*" OR "end" OR "ending" OR "prevent*" OR "stop*" OR "halt*"
      OR "reform*"
      NEAR/5 "subsid*"
        ("fishing" OR "fisher*" OR "overfishing" OR "bycatch" OR "trawling"
        OR (("harvest*" OR "overcapacity") NEAR/15 ("fish*" OR "shellfish*"))
  NOT ("larval subsidi*" OR "recruitment subsidi*")

Phrase 2

The general structure is ODA/mandates/WTO + fisheries. Note that this does not include an explicit action - we considered adding action terms too restrictive, as we assume that works on policy/ODA and fisheries are likely to be action-orientated anyway.

  ("ODA" OR "official development assistance" OR "doha development agenda" OR "hong kong ministerial" OR "world trade organization" OR "WTO")
      ("fishing" OR "fisher*" OR "overfishing"
      OR (("harvest*" OR "overcapacity") NEAR/15 ("fish*" OR "shellfish*"))

Target 14.7

14.7 By 2030, increase the economic benefits to small island developing States and least developed countries from the sustainable use of marine resources, including through sustainable management of fisheries, aquaculture and tourism

14.7.1 Sustainable fisheries as a proportion of GDP in small island developing States, least developed countries and all countries

This target is interpreted to include research about increasing economic benefits to LDCs and SIDS via sustainable use of marine resources. This target specifically only concerns least-developed countries and SIDS, but this is inconsistent with the indicator which concerns all countries. This makes a large difference to the results. As the target is clearly focused on SIDS and LDCs, we follow this interpretation, and limit the relevant research to that which mentions these countries.

This query consists of 1 phrase. The general structure is action + economic benefits + sustainability/management instruments + LDCs/SIDS. This phrase should be combined with marine terms (opens in a new tab) with AND.

economic benefits is interpreted to also include e.g. livelihoods, blue growth, and ecosystem services. The Nairobi Convention is included, which refers to the Nairobi Convention for the Protection, Management, and Development of the Coastal and Marine Environment of the Eastern Africa region, as well as other instruments to do with sustainable use/fisheries.

The terms for Senegal and Anguilla here are truncated differently than standard due to salmon bacteria names including these terms.

TS =
      ("increase" OR "increasing" OR "increased" OR "increases"
      OR "strengthen*" OR "improv*" OR "restor*" OR "enhanc*" OR "better"
      OR "scal* up" OR "build* capacity" OR "capacity building"
      OR "expand" OR "expansion*" OR "develop" OR "developing" OR "development"
      OR "plans" OR "plan" OR "planned" OR "planning"
      OR "policy" OR "policies" OR "initiativ*" OR "framework" OR "governance"
          ("econom*" OR "GDP" OR "wealth"
          OR "exploit*" OR "goods and services" OR "ecosystem service$"
          OR "socio economic" OR "socioeconomic"
          OR "livelihood$" OR "job$" OR "income$" OR "profit*"
          OR "trade" OR "trading" OR "market$"
          OR "monetary" OR "moneti*" OR "investor$"
          OR "bio-econom*" OR "bioeconom*"            
          OR "blue growth" OR "blue econom*" OR "blue bond$"
      OR "marine spatial planning" OR "MSP"
      OR "ecosystem based management" OR "ecosystem based fisheries management" OR "EBFM" OR "ecosystem approach"
      OR "area based management" OR "resilience based management" OR "community based management"
      OR "coastal zone management" OR "integrated coastal zone planning" OR "ICZM"
      OR "coastal resources management"
      OR "locally managed marine area$" OR "LMMA$"
      OR "marine protected area$" OR "MPA" OR "MPAs" OR "LSMPA$" OR "marine reserve$" OR "ocean reserve$" OR "marine park$"
      OR "marine conservation zone$" OR "particularly sensitive sea areas$"
      OR "regional fisheries management organi?ation$" OR "RFMOs"
      OR "port state measures agreement"
      OR "fish stocks agreement" OR "UNFSA" OR "Management of Straddling Fish Stocks" OR "Management of Highly Migratory Fish Stocks"
      OR "code of conduct for responsible fisheries" OR "CCRF"
      OR "Nairobi Convention"
      ("least developed countr*" OR "least developed nation$"  OR "small island developing state$" OR "Pacific island*"
      OR "Angola*" OR "Benin" OR "beninese" OR "Burkina Faso" OR "Burkina fasso" OR "burkinese" OR "burkinabe" OR "Burundi*" OR "Central African Republic" OR "Chad" OR "Comoros" OR "comoro islands" OR "iles comores" OR "Congo" OR "congolese" OR "Djibouti*" OR "Eritrea*" OR "Ethiopia*" OR "Gambia*" OR "Guinea" OR "Guinea-Bissau" OR "guinean" OR "Lesotho" OR "lesothan*" OR "Liberia*" OR "Madagasca*" OR "Malawi*" OR "Mali" OR "malian" OR "Mauritania*" OR "Mozambique" OR "mozambican$" OR "Niger" OR "Rwanda*" OR "Sao Tome and Principe" OR "Senegal" OR "senegalese" OR "Sierra Leone*" OR "Somalia*" OR "South Sudan" OR "Sudan" OR "sudanese" OR "Togo" OR "togolese" OR "tongan" OR "Uganda*" OR "Tanzania*" OR "Zambia*" OR "Cambodia*" OR "Kiribati*" OR "Lao People’s democratic republic" OR "Laos" OR "Myanmar" OR "myanma" OR "Solomon islands" OR "Timor Leste" OR "Tuvalu*" OR "Vanuatu*" OR "Afghanistan" OR "afghan$" OR "Bangladesh*" OR "Bhutan*" OR "Nepal*" OR "Yemen*" OR "Haiti*"
      OR "Antigua and Barbuda" OR "Antigua & Barbuda" OR "antiguan$" OR "Bahamas" OR "Bahrain" OR "Barbados" OR "Belize" OR "Cabo Verde" OR "Cape Verde" OR "Comoros" OR "comoro islands" OR "iles comores" OR "Cuba" OR "cuban$" OR "Dominica*" OR "Dominican Republic" OR "Micronesia*" OR "Fiji" OR "fijian$" OR "Grenada*" OR "Guinea-Bissau" OR "Guyana*" OR "Haiti*" OR "Jamaica*" OR "Kiribati*" OR "Maldives" OR "maldivian$" OR "Marshall Islands" OR "Mauritius" OR "mauritian$" OR "Nauru*" OR "Palau*" OR "Papua New Guinea*" OR "Saint Kitts and Nevis" OR "st kitts and nevis" OR "Saint Lucia*" OR "St Lucia*" OR "Vincent and the Grenadines" OR "Vincent & the Grenadines" OR "Samoa*" OR "Sao Tome" OR "Seychelles" OR "seychellois*" OR "Singapore*" OR "Solomon Islands" OR "Surinam*" OR "Timor-Leste" OR "timorese" OR "Tonga*" OR "Trinidad and Tobago" OR "Trinidad & Tobago" OR "trinidadian$" OR "tobagonian$" OR "Tuvalu*" OR "Vanuatu*" OR "Anguilla" OR "anguillan" OR "Aruba*" OR "Bermuda*" OR "Cayman Islands" OR "Northern Mariana$" OR "Cook Islands" OR "Curacao" OR "French Polynesia*" OR "Guadeloupe*" OR "Guam" OR "Martinique" OR "Montserrat" OR "New Caledonia*" OR "Niue" OR "Puerto Rico" OR "puerto rican" OR "Sint Maarten" OR "Turks and Caicos" OR "Turks & Caicos" OR "Virgin Islands"

Target 14.a

14.a Increase scientific knowledge, develop research capacity and transfer marine technology, taking into account the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission Criteria and Guidelines on the Transfer of Marine Technology, in order to improve ocean health and to enhance the contribution of marine biodiversity to the development of developing countries, in particular small island developing States and least developed countries

14.a.1 Proportion of total research budget allocated to research in the field of marine technology

This target is difficult to interpret, particularly as "increase scientific knowledge to [...]" could be interpreted to mean that all marine research is relevant. However we take a more meta-interpretation, and interpret it to cover:

  • research about transfer of marine technology and sharing (phrase 1 and phrase 2)
  • research about developing and sharing marine research capacity/infrastructure (phrase 2)
  • research about use/benefits of biodiversity in developing countries, LDCs and SIDS (phrase 3)

This query consists of 3 phrases.

Phrase 1

The general structure is transfer of technology. This is such a specific term that any publications using it are likely to be highly relevant to the target.

TS= ("transfer of marine technolog*" OR "marine technology transfer")

Phrase 2

This phrase covers research about improving, sharing, collaboration or funding for marine scientific knowledge, research capacity & technology. Research about advancing marine science in considered enough to be included.

The general structure is action/sharing/funding + marine science. This phrase should be combined with marine terms (opens in a new tab) with AND.

The marine science terms include generic terms for ocean science, terms for research knowledge/tools++, terms for data infrastructures, and terms for citizen science and monitoring. The IOC Criteria and Guidelines on Transfer of Marine Technology are relevant for this target, wherein marine technology includes information and data, guidelines, equipment for sampling, study and observation (both remote and in the lab), computer and modelling equipment/software, and expertise/skills in marine research (Statistics Division, 2021b (Indicator 14.a.1)).

The terms build* OR develop* in the first section will find capacity building/development.

      ("establish*" OR "build*" OR "develop*" OR "implement*" OR "propos*" OR "design" OR "provide" OR "provision"
      OR "increas*" OR "improv*" OR "strengthen*" OR "enhanc*" OR "upgrad*" OR "accelerat*" OR "prioriti*" OR "promot*" OR "enabl*"
      OR "cooperat*" OR "co-operat*" OR "collaborat*" OR "network$" OR "partnership$"
      OR "open data" OR "data sharing" OR "open science"
          ("knowledge" OR "technolog*" OR "technical" OR "research" OR "scientific" OR "R&D")
          NEAR/3 ("transfer" OR "sharing" OR "shared" OR "share" OR "cooperat*" OR "co-operat*" OR "collaborat*" OR "partnership$")
      OR "invest" OR "investing" OR "fund" OR "funding" OR "financing" OR "financial support" OR "financial resources"
      OR (("economic" OR "financial*" OR "monetary") NEAR/3 ("support*" OR "assist*" OR "aid"))
      OR "ODA" OR "cooperation fund$"
          ("international" OR "foreign" OR "development")
          NEAR/3 ("aid" OR "assistance" OR "fund$" OR "funding" OR "financing" OR "finance" OR "grant$" OR "investment$" OR "network$")
      OR "plan" OR "planned" OR "planning"
      OR "policy" OR "policies" OR "initiative$" OR "framework" OR "governance" OR "strategy" OR "programme$" OR "agenda"
      OR "innovation"
          ("taxonomic research" OR "genetic research" OR "biodiversity research" OR "diversity research" OR "taxonomic science" OR "fisheries science"
          OR "citizen science"
          OR (("ocean" OR "marine") NEAR/1 ("research" OR "science"))
              ("research" OR "scientific" OR "science" OR "technology" OR "biotech*"
              OR "taxonom*" OR "genetic" OR "species" OR "biodiversity" OR "diversity"
                  ("knowledge" OR "capacity" OR "advisor*"
                  OR "capabilit*" OR "training"  OR "expertise" OR "skills" OR "compentenc*"
                  OR "infrastructure" OR "facilities" OR "research vessel$" OR "vehicle$" OR "laboratories" OR "equipment" OR "herbaria" OR "museum collection$"
                  OR "database$" OR "software" OR "data" OR "register$" OR "reference librar*" OR "inventory" OR "inventories" OR "information system$"
                  OR "guidelines"
                  OR "investment$" OR "funding" OR "GERD" OR "expenditure"
                  OR "network$" OR "sharing" OR "joint research" OR "joint effort$" OR "collaborat*" OR "international cooperation"
          OR "data infrastructure$" OR "data network$" OR "ocean big data" OR "smart ocean" OR "modelling technique$"
          OR "observ* network$" OR "observ* system$" OR "observ* facilities" OR "monitoring network$" OR "biomonitoring"
          OR "remote sensing equipment" OR "tide gauges"
              ("ocean*" OR "marine" OR "biological" OR "ecological" OR "biodiversity" OR "environmental")
              NEAR/3 ("observator*" OR "monitoring")

Phrase 3

The general structure is (blue growth / bioresources/biodiversity + bioeconomy/uses) + developing countries. This phrase should be combined with marine terms (opens in a new tab) with AND.

This phrase covers research about the "use/benefits of biodiversity". However, this is difficult to build an accurate string for, particularly an "action approach" string. A good number of publications talk about biodiversity together with sustainable development, usage or ecosystem services, without necessarily being about how biodiversity contributes to these (for example, "sustainable use can protect biodiversity", or generic statements about fisheries and biodiversity, but not about how it can contribute). Therefore we keep this string at a topic level, but narrow in this action-approach verison by focusing on terms clearly related to the bioeconomy or bioresources. In the topic approach, we broaden it out slightly with a wider range of terms for uses (under the bioeconomy/uses terms), combined with biodiversity.

blue growth, blue economy and marine economy are used alone with sustainable because these terms indicate a use of marine resources for development/economic benefit. development is not used alone because it is used in many other contexts (e.g. developmental biology). The Nagoya protocol is related to the convention on biological diversity (Nagoya Protocol on Access to Genetic Resources and the Fair and Equitable Sharing of Benefits Arising from their Utilization to the Convention on Biological Diversity).

    (("blue growth" OR "blue econom*" OR "marine economy") AND "sustainab*")
      ("bioresource$" OR "biological resource$" OR "genetic resource$" OR "living marine resources"
      OR "biodivers*" OR "biological diversity" OR "BBNJ" OR "species diversity" OR "genetic diversity" OR "genomic diversity" OR "taxonomic diversity"
          ("bioprospect*" OR "biopiracy" OR "Nagoya protocol" OR "biotech*" OR "marine natural product$" ("bioactive$" NEAR/3 ("compound*" OR "substance*"))
          OR "bio-econom*" OR "bioeconom*" OR "blue growth" OR "blue econom*" OR "blue bond$" OR "marine economy"
      ("bioresource$" OR "biological resource$" OR "genetic resource$" OR "living marine resources")
          OR "sustainable development" OR "development intervention$" OR "human development" OR "social development" OR "*economic development"
          OR "tourism" OR "ecotourism" OR "tourist$" OR "sightsee*"
          OR "fisher*" OR "fishing" OR "aquaculture" OR "fish farm*" OR "harvest*" OR "aquarium trade"
          OR "exploit*" OR "goods and services" OR "ecosystem service$"
          OR "social ecological" OR "socialecological" OR "socioecological" OR "socio economic" OR "socioeconomic"
          OR "econom*" OR "GDP" OR "wealth" OR "monetary" OR "moneti*" OR "investor$"
          OR "livelihood$" OR "job$" OR "income$" OR "profit*"
          OR "trade" OR "trading" OR "market$"
          OR ("sustainab*" NEAR/5 ("utilization" OR "use" OR "using" OR "usage"))
    ("least developed countr*" OR "least developed nation$"
    OR "developing countr*" OR "developing nation$" OR "developing states" OR "developing world"
    OR "less developed countr*" OR "less developed nation$"
    OR "under developed countr*" OR "under developed nation$" OR "underdeveloped countr*" OR "underdeveloped nation$"
    OR "underserved countr*" OR "underserved nation$"
    OR "deprived countr*" OR "deprived nation$"
    OR "middle income countr*" OR "middle income nation$"
    OR "low income countr*" OR "low income nation$" OR "lower income countr*" OR "lower income nation$"
    OR "poor countr*" OR "poor nation$" OR "poorer countr*" OR "poorer nation$"
    OR "lmic" OR "lmics" OR "third world" OR "global south" OR "lami countr*" OR "transitional countr*" OR "emerging economies" OR "emerging nation$"
    OR "Angola*" OR "Benin" OR "beninese" OR "Burkina Faso" OR "Burkina fasso" OR "burkinese" OR "burkinabe" OR "Burundi*" OR "Central African Republic" OR "Chad" OR "Comoros" OR "comoro islands" OR "iles comores" OR "Congo" OR "congolese" OR "Djibouti*" OR "Eritrea*" OR "Ethiopia*" OR "Gambia*" OR "Guinea" OR "Guinea-Bissau" OR "guinean" OR "Lesotho" OR "lesothan*" OR "Liberia*" OR "Madagasca*" OR "Malawi*" OR "Mali" OR "malian" OR "Mauritania*" OR "Mozambique" OR "mozambican$" OR "Niger" OR "Rwanda*" OR "Sao Tome and Principe" OR "Senegal*" OR "Sierra Leone*" OR "Somalia*" OR "South Sudan" OR "Sudan" OR "sudanese" OR "Togo" OR "togolese" OR "tongan" OR "Uganda*" OR "Tanzania*" OR "Zambia*" OR "Cambodia*" OR "Kiribati*" OR "Lao People’s democratic republic" OR "Laos" OR "Myanmar" OR "myanma" OR "Solomon islands" OR "Timor Leste" OR "Tuvalu*" OR "Vanuatu*" OR "Afghanistan" OR "afghan$" OR "Bangladesh*" OR "Bhutan*" OR "Nepal*" OR "Yemen*" OR "Haiti*"
    OR "Antigua and Barbuda" OR "Antigua & Barbuda" OR "antiguan$" OR "Bahamas" OR "Bahrain" OR "Barbados" OR "Belize" OR "Cabo Verde" OR "Cape Verde" OR "Comoros" OR "comoro islands" OR "iles comores" OR "Cuba" OR "cuban$" OR "Dominica*" OR "Dominican Republic" OR "Micronesia*" OR "Fiji" OR "fijian$" OR "Grenada*" OR "Guinea-Bissau" OR "Guyana*" OR "Haiti*" OR "Jamaica*" OR "Kiribati*" OR "Maldives" OR "maldivian$" OR "Marshall Islands" OR "Mauritius" OR "mauritian$" OR "Nauru*" OR "Palau*" OR "Papua New Guinea*" OR "Saint Kitts and Nevis" OR "st kitts and nevis" OR "Saint Lucia*" OR "St Lucia*" OR "Vincent and the Grenadines" OR "Vincent & the Grenadines" OR "Samoa*" OR "Sao Tome" OR "Seychelles" OR "seychellois*" OR "Singapore*" OR "Solomon Islands" OR "Surinam*" OR "Timor-Leste" OR "timorese" OR "Tonga*" OR "Trinidad and Tobago" OR "Trinidad & Tobago" OR "trinidadian$" OR "tobagonian$" OR "Tuvalu*" OR "Vanuatu*" OR "Anguilla*" OR "Aruba*" OR "Bermuda*" OR "Cayman Islands" OR "Northern Mariana$" OR "Cook Islands" OR "Curacao" OR "French Polynesia*" OR "Guadeloupe*" OR "Guam" OR "Martinique" OR "Montserrat" OR "New Caledonia*" OR "Niue" OR "Puerto Rico" OR "puerto rican" OR "Sint Maarten" OR "Turks and Caicos" OR "Turks & Caicos" OR "Virgin Islands"
    OR "albania*" OR "algeria*" OR "angola*" OR "argentina*" OR "azerbaijan*" OR "bahrain*" OR "belarus*" OR "byelarus*" OR "belorussia" OR "belize*" OR "honduras" OR "honduran" OR "dahomey" OR "bosnia*" OR "herzegovina*" OR "botswana*" OR "bechuanaland" OR "brazil*" OR "brasil*" OR "bulgaria*" OR "upper volta" OR "kampuchea" OR "khmer republic" OR "cameroon*" OR "cameroun" OR "ubangi shari" OR "chile*" OR "china" OR "chinese" OR "colombia*" OR "costa rica*" OR "cote d’ivoire" OR "cote divoire" OR "cote d ivoire" OR "ivory coast" OR "croatia*" OR "cyprus" OR "cypriot" OR "czech" OR "ecuador*" OR "egypt*" OR "united arab republic" OR "el salvador*" OR "estonia*" OR "eswatini" OR "swaziland" OR "swazi" OR "gabon" OR "gabonese" OR "gabonaise" OR "gambia*" OR "ghana*" OR "gibralta*" OR "greece" OR "greek" OR "honduras" OR "honduran$" OR "hungary" OR "hungarian$" OR "india" OR "indian$" OR "indonesia*" OR "iran" OR "iranian$" OR "iraq" OR "iraqi$" OR "isle of man" OR "jordan" OR "jordanian$" OR "kenya*" OR "korea*" OR "kosovo" OR "kosovan$" OR "latvia*" OR "lebanon" OR "lebanese" OR "libya*" OR "lithuania*" OR "macau" OR "macao" OR "macanese" OR "malagasy" OR "malaysia*" OR "malay federation" OR "malaya federation" OR "malta" OR "maltese" OR "mauritania" OR "mauritanian$" OR "mexico" OR "mexican$" OR "montenegr*" OR "morocco" OR "moroccan$" OR "namibia*" OR "netherlands antilles" OR "nicaragua*" OR "nigeria*" OR "oman" OR "omani$" OR "muscat" OR "pakistan*" OR "panama*" OR "papua new guinea*" OR "peru" OR "peruvian$" OR "philippine$" OR "philipine$" OR "phillipine$" OR "phillippine$" OR "filipino$" OR "filipina$" OR "poland" OR "polish" OR "portugal" OR "portugese" OR "romania*" OR "russia" OR "russian$" OR "polynesia*" OR "saudi arabia*" OR "serbia*" OR "slovakia*" OR "slovak republic" OR "slovenia*" OR "melanesia*" OR "south africa*" OR "sri lanka*" OR "dutch guiana" OR "netherlands guiana" OR "syria" OR "syrian$" OR "thailand" OR "thai" OR "tunisia*" OR "ukraine" OR "ukrainian$" OR "uruguay*" OR "venezuela*" OR "vietnam*" OR "west bank" OR "gaza" OR "palestine" OR "palestinian$" OR "yugoslavia*" OR "turkish" OR "turkey" OR "georgia"

Target 14.b

14.b Provide access for small-scale artisanal fishers to marine resources and markets

14.b.1 Degree of application of a legal/regulatory/policy/institutional framework which recognizes and protects access rights for small-scale fisheries

This target is interpreted to cover research about ensuring access to small scale fisheries (SSF) resources/markets. We interpret this to include the fishing grounds themselves, with concepts such as SSF control and rights, as "access" is controlled by many structures (e.g. territorial control, common property; phrase 1). We also consider it to cover governance and legislation for SSFs (phrase 2). This interpretation is supported as "Appropriate legal, regulatory and policy frameworks" are included as a key feature of an enabling environment for this indicator in the indicator metadata (Statistics Division, 2021b (Indicator 14.b.1)).

This query consists of 2 phrases. Again, here, specific fish species as search terms are not needed because the focus is on fisheries (fisherpeople, fishermen, fishing, fishery, fisheries), not the biology of individual fish species.

Phrase 1

The general structure is action + access/rights/control + small scale + fishing. right$ covers "territorial use rights in fisheries" (TURFs), "territorial rights", "usage rights" etc.. resource$ (under access) covers "marine resources". We do not include traditional alone because "traditional fisheries management" normally refers to the management traditions, rather than traditional fisheries.

TS =
      ("improv*" OR "enhanc*" OR "increas*" OR "strengthen" OR "expand*" OR "promot*" OR "implement*" OR "establish*"
      OR "attain" OR "achiev*" OR "provide" OR "providing" OR "provision"
      OR "ensur*" OR "guarantee" OR "secure" OR "securing" OR "maintain*" OR "manag*"
      OR "improv*" OR "support*" OR "advoca*" OR "address*" OR "fight*" OR "tackle"
      OR "grant*" OR "transform*" OR "transition*" OR "reform*"
      OR "policy" OR "policies" OR "initiative$" OR "framework$" OR "program*" OR "strateg*" OR "legislat*" OR "governance"
        ("access*" OR "right$"
        OR "commons" OR "common property" OR "common fishing ground$" OR "ownership" OR "inheritance"
      ("decreas*" OR "minimi*" OR "reduc*" OR "limit$" OR "limited" OR "limiting"
      OR "alleviat*" OR "tackl*" OR "combat*" OR "fight*"
      OR "prevent*" OR "avoid*" OR "stop*" OR "end" OR "ends" OR "ended" OR "ending" OR "eliminat*" OR "eradicat*"
      OR "improv*" OR "manag*"
      OR "policy" OR "policies" OR "initiative$" OR "framework$" OR "program*" OR "strateg*" OR "legislat*" OR "governance"
          ("conflict$" OR "dispute$" OR "contested" OR "competition"
          OR "inequitab*"OR "marginali*" OR "criminali*" OR "appropriation$"
    OR "blue injustice" OR "blue justice" OR "distributional justice"
      ("traditional fishing"
          ("fisher*" OR "fishing" OR "shellfish" OR "marine resource$" OR "marine harvest*")
          NEAR/5 ("small-scale" OR "artisan*" OR "subsistence" OR "indigenous")    

Phrase 2

The general structure is regulation + fishing + small scale.

TS =
  ("governance" OR "planning" OR "legislation" OR "policy" OR "policies" OR "framework" OR "strateg*" OR "legislat*" OR "law" OR "laws" OR "regulations")
    ("traditional fishing"
        ("fisher*" OR "fishing" OR "shellfish" OR "marine resource$" OR "marine harvest*")
        NEAR/5 ("small-scale" OR "artisan*" OR "subsistence" OR "indigenous")    

Target 14.c

14.c Enhance the conservation and sustainable use of oceans and their resources by implementing international law as reflected in the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, which provides the legal framework for the conservation and sustainable use of oceans and their resources, as recalled in paragraph 158 of “The future we want”

14.c.1 Number of countries making progress in ratifying, accepting and implementing through legal, policy and institutional frameworks, ocean-related instruments that implement international law, as reflected in the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, for the conservation and sustainable use of the oceans and their resources

This target is interpreted to cover research about the implementation and development of international law for conservation and sustainable use of the oceans.

This query consists of 2 phrases. Phrase 1 contains specific instruments, while phrase 2 contains generic terms for international law.

Phrase 1

The general structure is action + international law. This phrase should be combined with marine terms (opens in a new tab) with AND.

This phrase contains specific international laws relevant to conservation and sustainable use. These terms were taken from 14.1, 14.2 and 14.4. FAO (2018) was used as a source of relevant legislation. CITES is not included as it is also a verb.

TS =
    ("implement*" OR "establish*" OR "introduc*" OR "adopt*" OR "integrat*" OR "design*" OR "propos*" OR "develop*"
    OR "ensur*" OR "enforc*" OR "ratif*" OR "fulfill*" OR "into practice" OR "praxis" OR "support*" OR "negotiat*"
    OR "reform*" OR "improv*" OR "better"
        ("law of the sea" OR "UNCLOS"
        OR "the future we want"
        OR (("biodivers*" OR "biological diversity" OR "fish*") NEAR/3 ("beyond national jurisdiction" OR "ABNJ"))
        OR "BBNJ"
        OR "common fisheries policy"
        OR "marine stewardship council"
        OR "regional fisheries management organi?ation$" OR "RFMOs"
        OR "fish stocks agreement"
        OR "code of conduct for responsible fisheries" OR "CCRF"
        OR "port state measures agreement"
        OR "UNFSA" OR "Management of Straddling Fish Stocks" OR "Management of Highly Migratory Fish Stocks"
        OR "deep-sea fisheries guidelines" OR "Management of Deep-sea Fisheries in the High Seas"
        OR ("directive$" NEAR/3 "marine spatial planning")
        OR "habitats directive" OR "convention on biological diversity"
        OR "Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species"
        OR "Regional seas programme"
        OR "Water framework directive"
        OR "OSPAR convention"
        OR "Marine strategy framework directive" OR "MSFD"
        OR "Barcelona convention"
        OR "Global Programme of Action for the Protection of the Marine Environment"
        OR "MARPOL" OR "prevention of pollution from ships"
        OR "Conservation of Antarctic Living Marine Resources"

Phrase 2

The general structure is action + international law + sustainable use/conservation. This phrase should be combined with marine terms (opens in a new tab) with AND.

Phrase 2 includes general phrases for international law, where sustainable use and conservation must be specified to prevent results about e.g. shipping/territory disputes.

TS =
    ("implement*" OR "establish*" OR "introduc*" OR "adopt*" OR "integrat*" OR "design*" OR "propos*" OR "develop*"
    OR "ensur*" OR "enforc*" OR "ratif*" OR "fulfill*" OR "into practice" OR "praxis" OR "support*" OR "negotiat*"
    OR "reform*" OR "improv*" OR "better"  
        NEAR/3 ("governance" OR "law$" OR "policy" OR "policies" OR "regulat*" OR "legal*" OR "legislat*" OR "agreement$" OR "treaty" OR "treaties" OR "framework$" OR "instrument$")
    ("conservation" OR "sustainab*" OR "ecosystem restoration"
    OR "marine spatial planning" OR "MSP"
    OR "ecosystem based management" OR "area based management" OR "resilience based management"
    OR "coastal zone management" OR "integrated coastal zone planning" OR "ICZM"
    OR "coastal resources management"
    OR "community based management" OR "locally managed marine area$" OR "LMMA$"
    OR "marine spatial planning" OR "spatial management"
    OR "herbivore management area$"
    OR "ecosystem approach*"
    OR "MPA" OR "MPAs" OR "LSMPA$" OR "marine protected area$"
    OR "marine reserve$" OR "ocean reserve$" OR "marine park$"
    OR "marine conservation zone$"
    OR "particularly sensitive sea areas$"
    OR "blue growth" OR "blue econom*"

5. Contributions

  • v2019.12: Marta Lorenz, Caroline S. Armitage, Susanne Mikki

  • v1.0.0 Caroline S. Armitage (Nov 2021-Sep 2022)

  • Internal review: Marta Lorenz, Håkon Magne Bjerkan (March 2022)

Specialist input: Katja Enberg (Associate professor of fisheries at UiB; review of v2019.12 in 2019), Caroline S. Armitage (PhD in marine ecology).

6. Footnotes

Aurora Universities Network. (2020). Search Queries for “Mapping Research Output to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)” v5.0. [Dataset]. doi:10.5281/zenodo.3817445.

FAO. (2018). The State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture 2018 - Meeting the sustainable development goals. The State of World Fisheries and Agriculture. (opens in a new tab) [Accessed 03 December 2021].

Lloyd-Smith and Immig. (2018). Ocean Pollutants Guide: Toxic Threats to Human Health and Marine Life. International Pollutants Elimination Network/National Toxics Network. (opens in a new tab).

OECD. (2017). "Marine biodiversity, the role of marine protected areas and good practice insights" in Marine protected areas: Economics, management and effective policy mixes. (opens in a new tab).

Rivest, Maxime; Kashnitsky, Yury; Bédard-Vallée, Alexandre; Campbell, David; Khayat, Paul; Labrosse, Isabelle; Pinheiro, Henrique; Provençal, Simon; Roberge, Guillaume; James, Chris. (2021). Improving the Scopus and Aurora queries to identify research that supports the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 2021 V3. [Dataset]. doi: 10.17632/9sxdykm8s4.3

Statistics Division. (2021a). Global indicator framework for the Sustainable Development Goals and targets of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. A/RES/71/313, E/CN.3/2018/2, E/CN.3/2019/2, E/CN.3/2020/2, E/CN.3/2021/2. Department of Economic and Social Affairs, United Nations. (opens in a new tab) [accessed 8 August 2021]

Statistics Division. (2021b). SDG Indicators Metadata Repository. Department of Economic and Social Affairs, United Nations. (opens in a new tab) [accessed 8 December 2021]

United Nations. (2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021). World Economic Situation and Prospects; Statistical Annex. (opens in a new tab).

UN Environment Programme. (n.d.). Addressing Land-Based Pollution. United Nations. (opens in a new tab) [Accessed 22 November 2021].

Willer, D. F., Brian, J. I., Derrick, C. J., Hicks, M., Pacay, A., McCarthy, A. H., Benbow, S., Brooks, H., Hazin, C., Mukherjee, N., McOwen, C. J., Walker, J., & Steadman, D. (2022). ‘Destructive fishing’—A ubiquitously used but vague term? Usage and impacts across academic research, media and policy. Fish and Fisheries, 00, 1– 16. (opens in a new tab) .