Search guide
- Searches are carried out in the title of the results – a result will show up if it has a word in the title that matches your search term
- If you search with multiple search terms, for example “wind power”, the first results you will see are those which contain both terms in the title. Then, as you move down the results list and there are no more that contain both terms, you will start to see results that contain just one of the terms.
- Searching for partial words will match several possible full words, when searching with one search term. For example, searching for "fisher" will show you results with "fisher", "fisheries" or "fishery" in the title. However, searching for "fisher cod" (two search terms) will only find results containing "fisher" (or "cod").
- The search is not multilingual – if you search with a Norwegian term, you will get results with that Norwegian word in the title. For example, a search with the Norwegian term “fattigdom” will not find English works with “poverty” in the title (or vice versa).
Fulltext found
If we have identified a URL which we expect to give open access to the full text. This is based on data from Unpaywall, DOAJ and CRISTIN.
Scientific (NVI)
If the publication is considered “scientific” according to the criteria in NVI (Norsk Vitenskapsindeks), which can be read on the Norsk Publiseringsindikator webpages (opens in a new tab). This includes that the journal/publisher should have procedures for peer review. Works that are "scientific" will also have a "NVI level": The level is based on which channel (journal or publisher) the publication was published by. You can read more about NVI levels on the Norsk Publiseringsindikator webpages (opens in a new tab).
Language the publication is written in.
If we have found that the publication mentions either Norway or the SDGs themselves. For example, a publication titled “Improving education in an Oslo school” would count as mentioning Norway; one titled “SDG 3: Where to next?” would count as mentioning the SDGs.
SDG and SDG targets
This is where you can filter publications related to certain SDGs and SDG targets. The filters called SDG and SDG targets find results that mention topics in the SDGs (e.g. “hunger”). You can filter by whole goal (SDG filter) or by specific themes in the targets of each goal (SDG targets filter). If you have too many results, or want results that are more targeted towards action, use the filters under "More SDG filtering options" (SDG action and SDG targets, action). These work the same as the previous filters, but find a narrower set of publications which are connected to actions in the SDGs (e.g. "ending hunger"). See About this service for more information.
Publication Subtype
A detailed breakdown of publication formats, from Cristin.
Year the publication was published according to Cristin.
Scientific field (NPI)
This filter is only available for works considered “scientific” according to NVI. It is based on a subject classification of the channel (journal or publisher) the work was published in. The channels in each field can be browsed on the Norsk Publiseringsindikator webpages (opens in a new tab).