Communication materials
On this page you will find a collection of texts and images that can be used to advertise for, for example in an email, for a news story, on a social media account, or in a physical location such as a public library.
Most of the items are available in Norwegian and English.
Users are free to use these as inspiration to write their own variants, or to mention in connection with events/initiatives in their own organisations. This is under the condition that bæ Bærekraftsforskning does not appear to have written or given support for these variants.
Text snippets and social media posts
- Shorter and longer texts about the service (download ODT file) (opens in a new tab) - for descriptions, news articles, blogs (including pictures and links, English and Norwegian)
- Social media posts (download ODT file) (opens in a new tab) - these include generic posts about the service and posts connected to UN calendar days of interest (including pictures and links, English and Norwegian)
Flyers, posters and info-screen
- Printable flyers (PDF) (opens in a new tab) (can be printed two-sided on A4 paper, Norwegian on one side and English on the other)
- Printable A3 posters (download zipped folder with PDFs) (opens in a new tab) - one variant with all SDGs, and 3 thematic variants on climate, energy and cities (English and Norwegian)
- Digital posters for an information screen (download zipped folder with PDFs) (opens in a new tab) - portrait and landscape format (Norwegian only)
- Short audio clip (download WAV file - if this doesn't work, right click on this link and click "Save link as" to download the file) (opens in a new tab) - Short audio clip about the service that can be used, for example, for podcasts (Norwegian only)