Search strings
Search strings, Web of Science
Topic: SDG 15

Search query for SDG 15 - Life on Land, Bergen topic-approach.

Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss.

Current status: This string is currently a finished version.


  1. Full query
  2. General notes
  3. Terrestrial and freshwater terms
  4. Documentation and string sections for each target
  5. Contributions
  6. Footnotes

1. Full query

Results of the full search in its current state can be viewed on Web of Science by clicking here: (opens in a new tab) (no filters; all years)

2. General notes

This document contains search strings for finding publications related to the topics in SDG 15 targets and indicators ("topic approach"; focus on recall, larger result set). We also have a version which finds publications related to the actions in SDG 15 targets and indicators ("action approach"; focus on precision, smaller result set), provided in the same repository as this file. For more explanation, see the Readme in this repository.

SDG 15 is interpreted to be about ending environmental decline of terrestrial and inland freshwater ecosystems and restoring them. Special emphasis is on forests and the sustainable management of them, on wetlands, mountains and drylands, halting land degradation and desertification, protecting biodiversity, preventing the extinction of threatened species and the spreading of invasive alien species, as well as preventing wildlife trafficking. The consequences of ecosystem degradation and wildlife trafficking on human survival and well-being (e.g. spreading of zoonotic diseases) is included in UN SDG reports (SDG 15 Life on land; (opens in a new tab); SDG 15 Life on land; (opens in a new tab)), but not specified in the targets.

The attempt to limit the search to terrestrial and freshwater environments only (as opposed to marine) is made by combining the search strings with terrestrial and freshwater terms either directly with AND or indirectly with NOT marine – unless a terrestrial or freshwater term is mentioned (see Terrestrial and freshwater terms below). However, in aquatic ecosystems the division between freshwater and marine is sometimes artificial (e.g. migratory fish). Some habitats pose particular challenges for separating freshwater from marine, e.g. term meadow retrieves also articles about seagrass meadows and coasts can be marine coastal areas but also e.g. river delta coastal areas. According to the SDG indicators metadata description for indicator 15.1.1 (UN Statistics Division 2022; (opens in a new tab)) mangroves in tidal zones are included in forests regardless of whether this area is classified as land area or not. Therefore, tight limiting to freshwater environments would leave out also relevant papers.

Targets and Indicators were found from the UN Statistics Division (UN Statistics Division, 2021). This list includes "the global indicator framework as contained in A/RES/71/313, the refinements agreed by the Statistical Commission at its 49th session in March 2018 (E/CN.3/2018/2, Annex II) and 50th session in March 2019 (E/CN.3/2019/2, Annex II), changes from the 2020 Comprehensive Review (E/CN.3/2020/2, Annex II) and refinements (E/CN.3/2020/2, Annex III) from the 51st session in March 2020, and refinements from the 52nd session in March 2021 (E/CN.3/2021/2, Annex)". ( (opens in a new tab))

Abbreviations used:

  • UN - United Nations
  • DESA - Department of Economic and Social Affairs
  • FAO - Food and Agriculture Organization
  • CBD - Convention on Biological Diversity
  • CITES - Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora

3. Terrestrial and freshwater terms: String for limiting certain phrases to the terrestrial and freshwater environment

This string is referred to as terrestrial and freshwater terms, and is used in sets 15.1, 15.5, 15.6, 15.7, 15.8, 15.9, 15.a and 15.c to limit the results to terrestrial and freshwater environment.

In some phrases, these terms are combined to the string with AND while in others a double NOT is used (NOT marine NOT terrestrial/freshwater).

  • Phrases which consist of more general terms are more likely to return results about topics irrelevant to the targets of SDG15 or natural environments, so these were combined with terrestrial/freshwater terms with AND to focus only on works which mention one of the terrestrial or freshwater terms.
  • Phrases which contain more specific ecological terms are more likely to already be focused on works about either marine, terrestrial or freshwater habitats/organisms, and only the pure marine works need to be excluded. NOT marine NOT terrestrial/freshwater was used for these as it excludes works using marine terms unless they also contain one of the terrestrial of freshwater terms. This "double NOT" strategy is commonly employed in the medical sciences to find human studies and exclude animal studies, while ensuring that animal studies are still included if they also mention humans. We use this strategy when possible as it has slightly better recall - for example, a work may be about a species of grass, but not use generic terms for terrestrial habitats - this work would likely be caught by the double NOT strategy, but be missed by the AND strategy.

Term mangrove is added only when the string is used with NOT marine.

Although mentioned in the definition for inland waters in the SDG indicator metadata for indicator 15.1.1 (UN Statistics Division 2022; (opens in a new tab)), the terms reservoirs canals dams are not included in the string. Combined with management and water, they would be likely to bring many irrelevant results on water supply management etc.

Terms land and fields were initially in the phrase, but were removed to exclude many irrelevant results due to the broad meaning and use of these terms (e.g. scientific fields, magnetic field, Netherlands, England).

fells are combined with Lapland because independently they brought a lot of noise (fell has many other meanings). Initially they were also combined with Scotland, but due to many irrelevant results, Scotland was left out.

  "terrestrial" OR "soil" OR "soils"  
  OR "*forest*" OR "woodland$" OR "taiga" OR "jungle" OR "mangrove$"
  OR "peatland$" OR "bog$" OR "mire$" OR "fen$" OR "swamp*" OR "wetland$" OR "marsh*" OR "paludal"
  OR "farmland$" OR "agricultural land$" OR "cropland$" OR "pasture$" OR "rangeland$"
  OR "bush*" OR "shrub*" OR "meadow*"
  OR "savanna*" OR "plain$" OR "grassland$" OR "prairie$"
  OR "dryland$" OR "dry land" OR "desert*"
  OR "mountain*" OR "highland$" OR "alpine*" OR ("fell$" NEAR/15 "Lapland")
  OR "tundra"
  OR "freshwater" OR "limnic" OR "inland fish*"
  OR "lake*" OR "pond$"
  OR "river*" OR "stream$" OR "brook$" OR "creek$"

4. Targets

Target 15.1

15.1 By 2020, ensure the conservation, restoration and sustainable use of terrestrial and inland freshwater ecosystems and their services, in particular forests, wetlands, mountains and drylands, in line with obligations under international agreements

15.1.1 Forest area as a proportion of total land area

15.1.2 Proportion of important sites for terrestrial and freshwater biodiversity that are covered by protected areas, by ecosystem type

This target is interpreted to cover research about a) conservation of terrestrial and inland freshwater ecosystems, b) restoring these ecosystems and c) using these ecosystems and their services sustainably. Sustainable management is understood to be a part of sustainable use. The action approach versions of these phrases are directed more towards promoting/implementing/increasing the protection of ecosystems, whereas the aim of the topic approach versions is towards any papers about protection of ecosystems. The topic here is considered to be `protection/conservation of ecosystems´, not just anything about ecosystems.

Even though forests, wetlands, mountains and drylands are highlighted in the target description, they are not specified in the phrases since they are already included in the Terrestrial and freshwater terms, which are combined with all the phrases of this target either directly with AND or indirectly with NOT marine unless a terrestrial or freshwater habitat is mentioned.

This query consists of 5 phrases. Phrases 1 and 2 cover research about protecting habitats and ecosystems. Phrase 1 searches for protection of habitats limited only by the exclusion of marine habitats. Phrase 2 searches for conservation of ecosystems and more specific habitats. It is restricted more stricktly to terrestrial habitats to exclude irrelevant results associated with the use of terms (e.g. ecosystem) on research areas other than natural sciences. Phrase 3 covers research about managing, protecting and restoring ecosystems, communities and biodiversity. Phrase 4 covers sustainable management approaches. Phrase 5 aims to find research specifically related to the international agreements on conservation/restoration of terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems.

While testing the phrases it was noticed that marine papers mentioning seagrass meadows will appear in the results for phrases 1 & 2 despite of the NOT marine string. They are brought by the term meadow in the terrestrial string. Irrelevant results are brought also by terms like lake and river when they appear in names of places.

Phrase 1

This phrase aims to find research outputs about the protection of habitats and biotopes, and protected areas. It is limited by the exclusion of marine habitats (except when a terrestrial or freshwater term is mentioned) and some other terms which were detected to bring irrelevant results.

The elements of the phrase are protected areas/protection + habitats.

  ("protected area$" OR "conservation area$" OR "conservation zone$" OR "Wilderness area$" OR "Nature reserve$" OR "National park$" OR "Habitat management area$" OR "Species management area$" OR "Protected landscape$"
  OR "conserv* ecosystem" OR "conserv* ecosystems" OR "protect* ecosystem" OR "protect* ecosystem$"
      ("protect*" OR "preserve" OR "preservation" OR "preserved"
      OR "conserved" OR "conservation" OR "conserves" OR "conserving" OR "conserve"
      OR "reforest*" OR "rehabilit*"
      NEAR/5 ("habitat$" OR "biotope$")
TS=(("marine" OR "ocean$" OR "seafloor" OR "coral" OR "kelp forest$" OR "kelp-forest$" OR "random forest$" OR "IOT" OR "urban ecosystem") NOT ("terrestrial" OR "soil" OR "soils" OR "woodland$" OR "taiga" OR "jungle" OR "mangrove$" OR "peatland$" OR "bog$" OR "mire$" OR "fen$" OR "swamp*" OR "wetland$" OR "marsh*" OR "paludal" OR "farmland$" OR "agricultural land$" OR "cropland$" OR "pasture$" OR "rangeland$" OR "bush*" OR "shrub*" OR "meadow*" OR "savanna*" OR "plain$" OR "grassland$" OR "prairie$" OR "dryland$" OR "dry land" OR "desert*" OR "mountain*" OR "highland$" OR "alpine*" OR ("fell$" NEAR/15 "Lapland") OR "tundra" OR "freshwater" OR "limnic" OR "inland fish*" OR "lake*" OR "pond$" OR "river*" OR "stream$" OR "brook$" OR "creek$"))

Phrase 2

This phrase aims to find research outputs about protecting ecosystems and specific habitats.

The elements of the phrase are protect + ecosystem/habitats/areas. In order to specify to the terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems the phrase is combined with Terrestrial and freshwater terms with AND.

    ("protect*" OR "preserve" OR "preservation" OR "preserved"
    OR "conserved" OR "conservation" OR "conserves" OR "conserving" OR "conserve"
    OR "reforest*" OR "rehabilit*"
      ("ecosystem$" OR "area*" OR "zone*" OR "environment*" OR "woodland$" OR "forest$" OR "taiga" OR "peatland$" OR "bog$"
      OR "mire$" OR "fen$" OR "swamp*" OR "wetland$" OR "marsh*" OR "paludal" OR "rangeland$" OR "bush*" OR "shrub*" OR "meadow*"
      OR "savanna*" OR "plain$" OR "grassland$" OR "prairie$" OR "dryland$" OR "dry land" OR "desert*" OR "mountain*"
      OR "highland$" OR "alpine*" OR "tundra" OR "limnic" OR "lake*" OR "pond$" OR "river*" OR "stream$"
AND TS=("terrestrial" OR "soil" OR "soils" OR "forest$" OR "woodland$" OR "taiga" OR "jungle" OR "peatland$" OR "bog$" OR "mire$" OR "fen$" OR "swamp*" OR "wetland$" OR "marsh*" OR "paludal" OR "farmland$" OR "agricultural land$" OR "cropland$" OR "pasture$" OR "rangeland$" OR "bush*" OR "shrub*" OR "meadow*" OR "savanna*" OR "plain$" OR "grassland$" OR "prairie$" OR "dryland$" OR "dry land" OR "desert*" OR "mountain*" OR "highland$" OR "alpine*" OR ("fell$" NEAR/15 "Lapland") OR "tundra" OR "freshwater" OR "limnic" OR "inland fish*" OR "lake*" OR "pond$" OR "river*" OR "stream$" OR "brook$" OR "creek$")

Phrase 3

This phrase aims to find research about managing, protecting and restoring terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems, communities and biodiversity.

Compared to the action approach version, this phrase has been edited to topic approach only partly. The topic here is understood to be not just ecosystems but more specifically the conservation of ecosystem. This is why the phrase has been edited only by lifting the action terms which limit the management/conservation/protection etc. string.

Under the ecosystems/elements, we include diversity at various levels (important for ecosystem functioning, resilience and services), key species and foundation species.

As the use of term ecosystem by others than natural sciences brings irrelevant results, it was combined with terms refering to species and habitats.

The elements of this phrase are conservation + ecosystems/elements. It is limited by the exclusion of marine habitats (except when a terrestrial or freshwater term is mentioned) and some other terms which were detected to bring irrelevant results. Terms about human microbiome and terms which are related to diseases were added to double NOT string in order to exclude articles about those. The medical terms were picked from a set of irrelevant papers found when testing the phrases and are not chosen systematically. It is possible that terms like parasite infection or immunology will exclude also relevant results.

  ("manage" OR "conserve" OR "protect" OR "restore" OR "management" OR "conservation" OR "protection" OR "restoration" OR "sustainable")
      ("ecosystem$" NEAR/5 ("ecolog*" OR "species" OR "plant*" OR "animal$" OR "organism$" OR "flora" OR "fauna" OR "wildlife" OR "insect$" OR "amphibian$" OR "reptile$" OR "bird$" OR "mosses" OR "tree$" OR "pollinator$" OR "terrestrial" OR "soil" OR "soils" OR "woodland$" OR "taiga" OR "peatland$" OR "bog$" OR "mire$" OR "fen$" OR "swamp*" OR "wetland$" OR "marsh*" OR "paludal" OR "farmland$" OR "agricultural land$" OR "cropland$" OR "pasture$" OR "rangeland$" OR "bush*" OR "shrub*" OR "meadow*" OR "savanna*" OR "plain$" OR "grassland$" OR "prairie$" OR "dryland$" OR "dry land" OR "desert*" OR "mountain*" OR "highland$" OR "alpine*" OR ("fell$" NEAR/15 "Lapland") OR "tundra" OR "freshwater" OR "limnic" OR "lake*" OR "pond$" OR "river*" OR "stream$" OR "brook$" OR "creek$")
      ("communit*" NEAR/5 ("ecolog*" OR "species" OR "plant*" OR "animal$" OR "organism$" OR "flora" OR "fauna" OR "wildlife" OR "insect$" OR "amphibian$" OR "reptile$" OR "bird$" OR "mosses" OR "tree$" OR "pollinator$")
    OR "biodiversity" OR "biological diversity" OR "species diversity" OR "functional diversity" OR "genetic diversity" OR "taxonomic diversity"
      ("diversity" NEAR/5 ("species" OR "plant*" OR "animal$" OR "organism$" OR "flora" OR "fauna" OR "insect$" OR "amphibian$" OR "reptile$" OR "bird$" OR "mosses" OR "tree$" OR "grassland$" OR "pollinator$")
    OR "key species" OR "keystone species" OR "foundation species" OR "habitat forming species" OR "key resource$"
TS=(("marine" OR "ocean$" OR "seafloor" OR "coral" OR "kelp forest$" OR "kelp-forest$" OR "random forest$" OR "IOT" OR "urban ecosystem" OR "salivary microbio*" OR "gut microbio*" OR "skin microbio*" OR "oral microbiome" OR "gut flora" OR "skin flora" OR "immunologi*" OR "immunology" OR "hormon*" OR "parasite*" OR "syndrome" OR "vector$" OR "enzyme*" OR "infected" OR "infection" OR "infect$") NOT ("terrestrial" OR "soil" OR "soils" OR "woodland$" OR "taiga" OR "jungle" OR "mangrove$" OR "peatland$" OR "bog$" OR "mire$" OR "fen$" OR "swamp*" OR "wetland$" OR "marsh*" OR "paludal" OR "farmland$" OR "agricultural land$" OR "cropland$" OR "pasture$" OR "rangeland$" OR "bush*" OR "shrub*" OR "meadow*" OR "savanna*" OR "plain$" OR "grassland$" OR "prairie$" OR "dryland$" OR "dry land" OR "desert*" OR "mountain*" OR "highland$" OR "alpine*" OR ("fell$" NEAR/15 "Lapland") OR "tundra" OR "freshwater" OR "limnic" OR "inland fish*" OR "lake*" OR "pond$" OR "river*" OR "stream$" OR "brook$" OR "creek$"))

Phrase 4

This phrase aims to retrieve research about the sustainable use of terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems and their services. For better recall, some ecosystem services are specified, most of these found from the UN HLPF Background note for SDG 15 (UN-DESA/DSDG et al. 2018), UN topic page for Forests (UN DESA n.d.a) and SDG indicator metadata for indicator 15.3.1 (UN Statistics Division 2022; (opens in a new tab)).

The elements of this phrase are sustainability/sustainable use + natural resources/ecosystem services. It is limited by the exclusion of marine habitats (except when a terrestrial or freshwater term is mentioned) and some other terms which were detected to bring irrelevant results. KBAs are combined with a string of species terms to exclude other meanings of the acronym KBA.

Some ecosystem services mentioned in indicator 15.3.1 metadata were not included in the phrase because they would be likely to return many results which are not relevant to the SDG 15:

  • Cultural heritage
  • Regional climate regulation
  • Climate change mitigation
  • Disaster risk reduction (flood, drought, soil erosion)
  • Regulation of pests and diseases
  • Water regulation
  • Pollination
  • Medicinal resources
  • Primary production
  • Nutrient cycling
  • Water cycling
  • Soil formation
    ("long term management plan"
    OR "agro-ecological knowledge" OR "agro ecological knowledge"
    OR "bidiversity" OR "biological diversity"
    OR "key biodiversity area$" 
    OR ("KBA$" NEAR/5 ("species" OR "plant*" OR "animal$" OR "organism$" OR "flora" OR "fauna" OR "insect$" OR "amphibian$" OR "reptile$" OR "bird$" OR "mosses" OR 		"tree$" OR "grassland$" OR "pollinator$"))
    OR "important sites for biodiversity"
    OR "biodiversity of food systems" OR "agrobiodiversity"
    OR "soil biodiversity"
    OR "ecotourism"
    OR (("sustainab*" OR "responsible") NEAR/5 ("ecosystem service$" OR "natural resource$" OR "soil" OR "freshwater" OR "groundwater"))
          ("sustainab*" OR "responsibl*" OR "environmental*" OR "ecological*" OR "ecosystem approach")
              ("manag*" OR "use" OR "using" OR "govern*" OR "development" OR "administrat*" OR "planning"
              OR "fishing" OR "fisher*" OR "hunter$" OR "hunting" OR "trapping"
              OR "forestry"
              OR (("recreation*" OR "tourism") NEAR/5 ("nature" OR "ecologic*"))
              OR "grazing"
              OR "fuel wood" OR "fire wood" OR "firewood"
            ("ecosystem service$" OR "natural resource$" OR "groundwater"
            OR "fisher*" OR "game" OR "forest$"
            OR "terrestrial" OR "soil" OR "soils" OR "woodland$" OR "taiga" OR "peatland$" OR "bog$" OR "mire$" OR "fen$" OR "swamp*" OR "wetland$" OR "marsh*" OR "paludal" OR "farmland$" OR "agricultural land$" OR "cropland$" OR "pasture$" OR "rangeland$" OR "bush*" OR "shrub*" OR "meadow*" OR "savanna*" OR "plain$" OR "grassland$" OR "prairie$" OR "dryland$" OR "dry land" OR "desert*" OR "mountain*" OR "highland$" OR "alpine*" OR ("fell$" NEAR/15 "Lapland") OR "tundra" OR "freshwater" OR "limnic" OR "lake*" OR "pond$" OR "river*" OR "stream$" OR "brook$" OR "creek$"
TS=(("marine" OR "ocean$" OR "seafloor" OR "coral" OR "kelp forest$" OR "kelp-forest$" OR "random forest$" OR "IOT" OR "urban ecosystem") NOT ("terrestrial" OR "soil" OR "soils" OR "woodland$" OR "taiga" OR "jungle" OR "mangrove$" OR "peatland$" OR "bog$" OR "mire$" OR "fen$" OR "swamp*" OR "wetland$" OR "marsh*" OR "paludal" OR "farmland$" OR "agricultural land$" OR "cropland$" OR "pasture$" OR "rangeland$" OR "bush*" OR "shrub*" OR "meadow*" OR "savanna*" OR "plain$" OR "grassland$" OR "prairie$" OR "dryland$" OR "dry land" OR "desert*" OR "mountain*" OR "highland$" OR "alpine*" OR ("fell$" NEAR/15 "Lapland") OR "tundra" OR "freshwater" OR "limnic" OR "inland fish*" OR "lake*" OR "pond$" OR "river*" OR "stream$" OR "brook$" OR "creek$"))

Phrase 5

This phrase aims to find research about the conservation/restoration of terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems specifically in relation to the international agreements or actions. Most of the agreements and treaties included by name are mentioned in the UN HLPF Background note SDG 15 (UN-DESA/DSDG et al. 2018). Two agreements concerning the use of genetic resources are included (Nagoya Protocol and The Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture) assuming that mentioning these agreements in the context of terrestrial of freshwater terms implies actions towards the targets of SDG 15.1.

The elements of this phrase are international agreements/instruments. It is limited by the exclusion of marine habitats (except when a terrestrial or freshwater term is mentioned) and some other terms which were detected to bring irrelevant results. The term CITES is combined to a string of species terms (including particularly susceptable species from UN's World Wildlife Crime Report; UNODC, 2020) in order to exclude irrelevant articles which use cite as a verb. The UN Convention on climate change UNFCCC is combined to a string of ecosystem terms to specify to conserving ecosystems (rather than reducing emissions in general).

        ("international" NEAR/3 ("agreement$" OR "treat*"))
            ("ecosystem$" OR "habitat$" OR "environment*" OR "biotope$" OR "ecolog*"
            OR "species" OR "plant*" OR "animal$" OR "organism$" OR "flora" OR "fauna"
    OR "Convention on Biological Diversity"
    OR ("CBD" NEAR/15 ("biological diversity" OR "biodiversity"))  
    OR "UN Convention to Combat Desertification" OR "United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification" OR "UNCCD"
    OR "Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora" 
    OR ("CITES" NEAR/15 ("species" OR "flora" OR "fauna" OR "plant$" OR "animal$" OR "wildlife" OR "insect$" OR "amphibian$" OR "bird$" OR "rosewood" OR "kosso" OR "elephant$" OR "rhino*" OR "ivory" OR "pangolin$" OR "reptile$" OR "turtle$" OR "tortoise$" OR "big cat$" OR "tiger$" OR "glass eel$"))
        ("United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change" OR "UN Framework Convention on Climate Change" OR "UNFCCC") 
        NEAR/15 ("ecosystem$" OR "habitat$" OR "environment*" OR "biotope$" OR "ecolog*" OR "species" OR "plant*" OR "animal$" OR "organism$" OR "flora" OR "fauna")
    OR "Nagoya Protocol"
    OR "Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture" OR "International Seed Treaty" OR "Plant Treaty" OR "ITPGRFA"
TS=(("marine" OR "ocean$" OR "seafloor" OR "coral" OR "kelp forest$" OR "kelp-forest$" OR "random forest$" OR "IOT" OR "urban ecosystem") NOT ("terrestrial" OR "soil" OR "soils" OR "woodland$" OR "taiga" OR "jungle" OR "mangrove$" OR "peatland$" OR "bog$" OR "mire$" OR "fen$" OR "swamp*" OR "wetland$" OR "marsh*" OR "paludal" OR "farmland$" OR "agricultural land$" OR "cropland$" OR "pasture$" OR "rangeland$" OR "bush*" OR "shrub*" OR "meadow*" OR "savanna*" OR "plain$" OR "grassland$" OR "prairie$" OR "dryland$" OR "dry land" OR "desert*" OR "mountain*" OR "highland$" OR "alpine*" OR ("fell$" NEAR/15 "Lapland") OR "tundra" OR "freshwater" OR "limnic" OR "inland fish*" OR "lake*" OR "pond$" OR "river*" OR "stream$" OR "brook$" OR "creek$"))

Target 15.2

15.2 By 2020, promote the implementation of sustainable management of all types of forests, halt deforestation, restore degraded forests and substantially increase afforestation and reforestation globally

15.2.1 Progress towards sustainable forest management

This target is interpreted to cover research about sustainable forest management, deforestation, and research which contributes to increasing forest covered land area globally. Silvicultures are included in the phrases because the SDG indicator metadata for indicator 15.1.1 (UN Statistics Division 2022; (opens in a new tab)) does not limit forests to just natural ones. However including arboricultures is more debatable, by the indicators definition agricultural production systems (e.g. fruit tree or oil palm plantations) should not be included as forest for SDG 15. A machine learning algorithm "Random forests" brings irrelevant results not related to forests. Excluding these is not possible without missing relevant papers since "Random forests" can be applied also in forest research.

Specific forest management terms (methods, etc.) were found mainly from FAO’s Agrovoc thesaurus (FAO, n.d.) and from a search query prepared in an earlier project for capturing forestry literature (Päivinen et al. (2021); International Status of Finnish Forest Research, Tapio research).

This query consists of 3 phrases. Terrestrial and freshwater terms are not combined with the phrases 15.2.

Phrase 1

This phrase aims to find research about sustainable forest management, with some of the management practices specified. The elements of this phrase are sustainable use/practises/strategies & goals + forests.

        ("sustainable forest*" OR "sustainable woodland$" OR "sustainable silvicultur*" OR "sustainable arboricultur*"
            ("sustainabl*" OR "responsibl*" OR "environmental*" OR "ecological*")
            NEAR/3 ("manag*" OR "use" OR "using" OR "govern*" OR "development" OR "administrat*" OR "planning" OR "policy" OR "policies")
            ("sustainabl*" OR "responsibl*" OR "environmental*" OR "ecological*")
                ("practice$" OR "method$" OR "forestry operation$"
                OR "cutting" OR "cut" OR "logging" OR "felling" OR "clearing"
                OR "lopping" OR "*limbing" OR "thinning" OR "creaming" OR "pruning"
                OR "rotation"
                OR "regeneration" OR ("tree$" NEAR/3 "planting") 
                OR "drainage"
                OR "Forest area change"
                OR "Above-ground biomass in forest"
                OR ("proportion" NEAR/3 "protected areas")
                OR ("proportion" NEAR/3 "long-term management plan")
                OR "Forest under certification"
                OR "Certified forest area"
          OR ("protected" NEAR/3 "forest*")
          OR ("reserved" NEAR/3 "forest*")
          OR "UN Strategic Plan for Forests" OR "UNSPF"
          OR "Global Forest Goals" OR "GFG$"
  NEAR/15 ("*forest*" OR "woodland$" OR "silvicultur*" OR "arboricultur*")

Phrase 2

This phrase aims to find research about forest loss and degradation. The elements of the phrase are forests + loss. REDD is Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation.

  OR ("*forest*" NEAR/3 ("loss" OR "degrad*"))
  OR ("lost" NEAR/3 "forest area")
      ("*forest*" OR "woodland$" OR "silvicultur*" OR "arboricultur*")
      NEAR/5 ("decreas*" OR "reduc*" OR "degrad*" OR "mitigat*" OR "disappear*" OR "lost" OR "loss")
  OR ("REDD" NEAR/15 ("UN" OR "United Nations"))

Phrase 3

This phrase aims to find research about increasing forest covered land area, and about afforestation, reforestation and restoring forests. The elements of the phrase are increase area/restoration + forests / forestation.

      ("increas*" OR "expand*" OR "restor*" OR "rehabilitate")
      NEAR/5 ("cover*" OR "area$" OR "zone$" OR "*land$" OR "silvicultur*")
  OR "restore" OR "restoration" OR "rehabilitat*"
  OR "restor*" OR "rehabilita*"
  NEAR/5 ("*forest*" OR "woodland$")
OR TS=("afforestr*" OR "reforestr*")

Target 15.3

15.3 By 2030, combat desertification, restore degraded land and soil, including land affected by desertification, drought and floods, and strive to achieve a land degradation-neutral world

15.3.1 Proportion of land that is degraded over total land area

This target is interpreted to cover research about desertifiction and about degradation of land and soil. It also covers research about land degradation neutrality (LDN). Land degradation neutrality is defined in the SDG indicator metadata for indicator 15.3.1:

"a state whereby the amount and quality of land resources necessary to support ecosystem functions and services and enhance food security remain stable or increase within specified temporal and spatial scales and ecosystems" (UN Statistics Division 2022; (opens in a new tab)).

It is somewhat unclear to us whether the phrases should cover all land degradation or just land degradation related to deserification, drought and floods. Our interpretation on this is done separetely for each phrase. Phrase 2 is more tightly limited to searching for lands degraded by desertification, drought or floods, whereas phrase 3 includes the degradation of all lands. Phrase 4 is limited only to drylands conserning soil productivity but to all lands conserning LDN.

Sources used for definitions and specifying terms for deserts and drylands (in phrases 3 & 4):

This query consists of 4 phrases. Terrestrial and freshwater terms are not combined with the phrases 15.3.

Phrase 1

This phrase aims to find research about desertification. The elements of the phrase are desertification // UN agreements to combat desertification.

        OR (("increas*" OR "expand*") NEAR/5 ("desert$" OR "dryland$"))
  OR "United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification"
  OR "UN Convention to Combat Desertification"

Phrase 2

This phrase aims to find research about land and soil degraded by desertification, drought or floods. The elements of the phrase are desertification/drought/flood + degraded land or soils/quality of soil.

In addition to articles about the effects agriforestry has on soils, this phrase also returns some articles about the effect of soil quality on agricultural productivity. These may still be concidered relevant to the target, since LDN by definition covers also land resources necessary for enhancing food security.

  ("desert$" OR "desertif*" OR "drought" OR "flood$" OR "dryland$")
      ("soil structure" OR "soil fertility" OR "soil health"
      OR ("quality" NEAR/5 ("soil$" OR "land"))
      OR ("degrad*" NEAR/3 ("land$" OR "soil$"))
      OR (("erosion" OR "eroded") NEAR/5 ("land$" OR "soil$"))

Phrase 3

This phrase aims to find research about land degradation processes and effects. The terms for degradation processes are picked mainly from the SDG indicator metadata description for 15.3.1 (UN Statistics Division 2022; (opens in a new tab)).

The elements of the phrase are land degradation processes OR effects of land degradation + deserts/drylands/soils.

      OR "soil pollution" OR "soil loss"
          ("degrad*" OR "erosion" OR "eroded" OR "salinisat*"
          OR "alkalinisat*" OR "acidificat*" OR "contaminat*" OR "pollution"
          OR "biodiversity loss"
          NEAR/5 ("land$" OR "soil$")
        ("decline" OR "decreas*" OR "reduc*" OR "degrad*" OR "lower$" OR "lowered" OR "lowering" OR "loss")
            OR ("vegetation" NEAR/3 ("cover" OR "communit*" OR "biomass"))
            OR ("soil$" NEAR/3 ("fertility" OR "quality"))
      OR (("chang*" OR "reduc*" OR "decreas*") NEAR/3 ("groundwater" NEAR/3 ("level$" OR "quality")))  
      ("desert$" OR "desertif*" OR "dryland$" OR "dry land$"
      OR (("arid" OR "semi arid" OR "semi-arid" OR "sub humid" OR "sub-humid") NEAR/3 ("area*" OR "land*"))
      OR "grassland$" OR "savanna$" OR "prairie$" OR "rangeland$"
      OR "soil$"

Phrase 4

This phrase aims to find research about land degradation neutrality (LDN) of all lands, and land productivity of dry lands. There is uncertainty about whether this phrase should cover LDN on drylands only, and whether land productivity should be covered for all lands of limited to drylands only. The phrase is now limited only to drylands when searching for soil productivity but to all lands when searching for LDN.

The elements of the phrase are deserts/drylands + land productivity OR Land Degradation Neutrality.

  ("desert$" OR "desertif*" OR "dryland$" OR "dry land$"
  OR (("arid" OR "semi arid" OR "semi-arid" OR "sub humid" OR "sub-humid") NEAR/3 ("area*" OR "land*"))
  OR "grassland$" OR "savanna$" OR "prairie$" OR "rangeland$"
  NEAR/15 (("soil" OR "land") NEAR/3 ("productivity" OR "fertility"))
    ("land degradation neutrality" OR "LDN")
    AND "land degradation"

Target 15.4

15.4 By 2030, ensure the conservation of mountain ecosystems, including their biodiversity, in order to enhance their capacity to provide benefits that are essential for sustainable development

15.4.1 Coverage by protected areas of important sites for mountain biodiversity

15.4.2 Mountain Green Cover Index

This target is interpreted to cover research about the conservation of mountain ecosystems and their biodiversity, or research about changes in these. We consider this to also cover research about management, restoration and protection. It is also considered to cover research about sustainable use of ecosystem services (benefits) provided by mountain ecosystems as defined on the UN topic page for Mountains (UN DESA, n.d.c) in the context of sustainable development.

Specifying terms for the Mountain Green Cover Index are mentioned in the SDG metadata for indicator 15.4.2 (UN Statistics Division 2022; (opens in a new tab)) and terms for Coverage by protected areas in the SDG metadata for indicator 15.4.1 (UN Statistics Division 2022; (opens in a new tab)).

fells are combined with Lapland because independently they brought a lot of noise (fell has many other meanings). Initially they were also combined with Scotland, but due to many irrelevant results, Scotland was left out.

The phrases return some articles which mention mountain in a name of a species (e.g. Mountain hare, Mountain zebra, Mountain tapir). Some of these articles might not be about mountains, but identifying and excluding them without losing relevant articles would be quite challenging.

This query consists of 2 phrases. Terrestrial and freshwater terms are not combined with the phrases 15.4.

Phrase 1

This phrase aims to find research about the conservation/management of or changes in mountain ecosystems and their biodiversity. It includes research about protected areas, key biodiversity areas and vegetation covered areas of the mountains (Mountain Green Cover Index). Specifying terms for areas counted as green cover for the Mountain Green Cover Index forest shrubs trees pasture cropland grassland wetland are mentioned in the SDG metadata for indicator 15.4.2 (UN Statistics Division 2022; (opens in a new tab)). KBA is not freely truncated due to noise from "kbar" (a unit).

Even though this is the topic approach version, the phrase still contains the element of action as the target is concidered to be conservation of mountain ecosystems not everything about mountain ecosystems. Compared to the action approach version, in this phrase the action terms which limit the management of mountain ecosystems (designat/placement/expand/) have been removed. The management/conservation string has not been removed to keep the topic about conservation of ecosystems. A string of action terms is added alongside with management/conservation terms to reach relevant articles which do not mention conservation (e.g. about decline of biodiversity on mountain areas).

The elements of this phrase are: (management/conservation + ecosystems/bidiversity OR action + ecosystems/bidiversity OR instruments) + mountains. Protected areas/Natural monuments etc. are included in the first part of the phrase to combine them with ecosystem terms. The aim of this is to exclude protecting human communities, architecture etc.

      ("manage" OR "managing" OR "managed" OR "conserve" OR "conserving" OR "protect" OR "protecting" OR "protected" OR "restore" OR "restoring"
      OR "management" OR "conservation" OR "protection" OR "restoration"
      OR "Protected area$" OR "Wilderness area$" OR "Nature reserve$" OR "National park$" OR "Natural monument$" OR "Natural feature$" OR "Protected landscape$"
      OR "CITES"
        ("ecosystem$" OR "habitat$"
        OR "biodiversity" OR "biological diversity" OR "species diversity" OR "functional diversity" OR "genetic diversity" OR "taxonomic diversity"
        OR (("diversity" OR "communit*") NEAR/3 ("species" OR "plant*" OR "animal$" OR "organism$" OR "flora" OR "fauna" OR "wildlife" OR "insect$" OR "amphibian$" OR "reptile$" OR "bird$" OR "mosses" OR "tree$" OR "grassland$" OR "pollinator$"))
        OR "key species" OR "keystone species" OR "foundation species" OR "habitat forming species" OR "key resource$"
        OR (("covered" OR "cover*") NEAR/5 ("green" OR "vegetat*" OR "*forest$" OR "shrub$" OR "tree$" OR "pasture$" OR "cropland$" OR "grassland$" OR "wetland$")) 
      ("increas*" OR "strengthen*" OR "improv*" OR "enhanc*" OR "better" OR "higher" OR "upgrad*" OR "advance" OR "develop" OR "ensure" OR "maintain*" OR "preserv*" OR "sustain" OR "decreas*" OR "reduc*" OR "restrict*" OR "degrad*" OR "lowering" OR "lower$" OR "lowered" OR "declin*" OR "deterior*" OR "degrad*" OR "coping" OR "cope" OR "adapt*" OR "resilien*" OR "assess*" OR "examin*" OR "evaluat*" OR "measur*" OR "monitor*"
        ("ecosystem$" OR "habitat$"
        OR "biodiversity" OR "biological diversity" OR "species diversity" OR "functional diversity" OR "genetic diversity" OR "taxonomic diversity"
        OR (("diversity" OR "communit*") NEAR/3 ("species" OR "plant*" OR "animal$" OR "organism$" OR "flora" OR "fauna" OR "wildlife" OR "insect$" OR "amphibian$" OR "reptile$" OR "bird$" OR "mosses" OR "tree$" OR "grassland$" OR "pollinator$"))
        OR "key species" OR "keystone species" OR "foundation species" OR "habitat forming species" OR "key resource$"
        OR (("covered" OR "cover*") NEAR/5 ("green" OR "vegetat*" OR "*forest$" OR "shrub$" OR "tree$" OR "pasture$" OR "cropland$" OR "grassland$" OR "wetland$")) 
  OR "Habitat management area$" OR "Species management area$"
  OR "key biodiversity area$" OR "KBA" OR "KBAs"
  OR "important sites for biodiversity"
  OR "Mountain Partnership"
  OR "Mountain Green Cover Index"
  OR "Convention on Biological Diversity" OR "CBD"
  OR "Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora" 
  AND ("mountain*" OR "alpine" OR "highland$" OR ("fell$" NEAR/5 "Lapland"))

Phrase 2

This phrase aims to find research about sustainable use of the services/benefits provided by the mountain ecosystems. The elements of this phrase are sustainable use + ecosystem services + mountains

      ("sustainabl*" OR "environmental*" OR "ecological*")
      NEAR/3 ("manag*" OR "use" OR "using" OR "govern*" OR "development" OR "administrat*" OR "planning")
        ("ecosystem$" OR "habitat$"
        OR ("communit*" NEAR/5 ("ecolog*" OR "species" OR "plant*" OR "animal$" OR "organism$" OR "flora" OR "fauna" OR "wildlife" OR "insect$" OR "amphibian$" OR "reptile$" OR "bird$" OR "mosses" OR "tree$" OR "grassland$" OR "pollinator$"))
        OR "biodiversity" OR "biological diversity" OR "species diversity" OR "functional diversity" OR "genetic diversity" OR "taxonomic diversity"
        OR ("diversity" NEAR/5 ("species" OR "plant*" OR "animal$" OR "organism$" OR "flora" OR "fauna" OR "insect$" OR "amphibian$" OR "reptile$" OR "bird$" OR "mosses" OR "tree$" OR "grassland$" OR "pollinator$"))
        OR "key species" OR "keystone species" OR "foundation species" OR "habitat forming species" OR "key resource$"
  AND ("mountain*" OR "alpine" OR "highland$" OR ("fell$" NEAR/5 "Lapland"))

Target 15.5

15.5 Take urgent and significant action to reduce the degradation of natural habitats, halt the loss of biodiversity and, by 2020, protect and prevent the extinction of threatened species

15.5.1 Red List Index

This target is interpreted to cover research about the degradation of terrestrial and freshwater habitats and their biodiversity. It also covers research about changes in biodiversity, and the extinction of threatened species.

All phrases of target 15.5. are combined with Terrestrial and freshwater terms either with AND or by excluding marine habitats, except when a terrestrial or freshwater term is mentioned. Because phrases 1 and 2 consist of more general terms, they are combined to Terrestrial and freshwater terms with AND. For phrases 3 and 4, which consist of terms used primarily in ecology, exclusion of marine habitats (except when a terrestrial or freshwater term is mentioned) and some other terms which were detected to bring irrelevant results was found sufficient.

This query consists of 4 phrases.

Phrase 1

This phrase aims to find research about the degradation of terrestrial habitats. The elements of the phrase are degratation + habitats. In order to specify to the terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems the phrase is combined with Terrestrial and freshwater terms with AND.

  ("degrad*" OR "declin*" OR "loss" OR "lost" OR "destruct*" OR "disappear*" OR "fragmentat*")
      ("ecosystem$" OR "habitat$" OR "biotope$"
      OR ("communit*" NEAR/5 ("ecolog*" OR "species" OR "plant*" OR "animal$" OR "organism$" OR "flora" OR "fauna" OR "wildlife" OR "insect$" OR "amphibian$" OR "reptile$" OR "bird$" OR "mosses" OR "tree$" OR "grassland$" OR "pollinator$"))
TS=("terrestrial" OR "soil" OR "soils" OR "*forest*" OR "woodland$" OR "taiga" OR "jungle" OR "peatland$" OR "bog$" OR "mire$" OR "fen$" OR "swamp*" OR "wetland$" OR "marsh*" OR "paludal" OR "farmland$" OR "agricultural land$" OR "cropland$" OR "pasture$" OR "rangeland$" OR "bush*" OR "shrub*" OR "meadow*" OR "savanna*" OR "plain$" OR "grassland$" OR "prairie$" OR "dryland$" OR "dry land" OR "desert*" OR "mountain*" OR "highland$" OR "alpine*" OR ("fell$" NEAR/15 "Lapland") OR "tundra" OR "freshwater" OR "limnic" OR "inland fish*" OR "lake*" OR "pond$" OR "river*" OR "stream$" OR "brook$" OR "creek$")

Phrase 2

This phrase aims to find research about the loss of biodiversity. The elements of the phrase are loss + biodiversity. In order to specify to the terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems the phrase is combined with Terrestrial and freshwater terms with AND.

    ("degrad*" OR "declin*" OR "loss" OR "lost" OR "destruct*" OR "disappear*")
      ("biodiversity" OR "biological diversity"
      OR (("diversity" OR "species") NEAR/5 ("species" OR "plant*" OR "animal$" OR "organism$" OR "flora" OR "fauna" OR "wildlife" OR "insect$" OR "amphibian$" OR "reptile$" OR "bird$" OR "mosses" OR "tree$" OR "grassland$" OR "pollinator$"))
TS=("terrestrial" OR "soil" OR "soils" OR "*forest*" OR "woodland$" OR "taiga" OR "jungle" OR "peatland$" OR "bog$" OR "mire$" OR "fen$" OR "swamp*" OR "wetland$" OR "marsh*" OR "paludal" OR "farmland$" OR "agricultural land$" OR "cropland$" OR "pasture$" OR "rangeland$" OR "bush*" OR "shrub*" OR "meadow*" OR "savanna*" OR "plain$" OR "grassland$" OR "prairie$" OR "dryland$" OR "dry land" OR "desert*" OR "mountain*" OR "highland$" OR "alpine*" OR ("fell$" NEAR/15 "Lapland") OR "tundra" OR "freshwater" OR "limnic" OR "inland fish*" OR "lake*" OR "pond$" OR "river*" OR "stream$" OR "brook$" OR "creek$")

Phrase 3

This phrase aims to find research about protecting biodiversity and threatened species. It also aims to find articles which contribute to protecting biodiversity more indirectly (e.g. articles which mention enhancing/reducing/evaluating biodiversity).

Even though this is the topic approach version, the phrase still contains the element of action as the target is concidered to be protecting biodiversity not anything about biodiversity. Compared to the action approach version, in this phrase the action terms which limit the management/conservation of biodiversity (promote/restor/etc.) have been removed. The management/conservation string has not been removed to keep the topic about "protecting biodiversity". A broader string of action terms is added alongside protecting/conserving to find relevant articles which do not mention protecting (e.g. articles about enhancing/reducing/evaluating biodiversity). The relation between action terms and biodiversity is looser in this phrase than in the action approach version of the phrase (combined with AND instead of NEAR).

The concept of threatened species is interpreted according to the classification of the SDG metadata for indicator 15.5.1 (UN Statistics Division 2022; (opens in a new tab)):

"Threatened species are those listed on The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species in the categories Vulnerable, Endangered, or Critically Endangered (i.e., species that are facing a high, very high, or extremely high risk of extinction in the wild in the medium-term future)."

The elements of the phrase are action + biodiversity/key biodiversity areas/threatened species. It is limited by the exclusion of marine habitats (except when a terrestrial or freshwater term is mentioned) and some other terms which were detected to bring irrelevant results. Terms about human microbiome and terms which are related to diseases were added to NOT string in order to exclude articles about those. The medical terms were picked from a set of irrelevant papers found when testing the phrases and are not chosen systematically. It is possible that terms like parasite infection or immunology will exclude also relevant results.

    ("manage" OR "managing" OR "managed" OR "conserve" OR "conserving" OR "protect" OR "protecting" OR "restore" OR "restoring"
    OR "management" OR "conservation" OR "protection" OR "restoration" OR "rehabilit*" OR "preserve" OR "preservation" OR "preserved"
        ("biodiversity" OR "biological diversity" 
        OR "key biodiversity area$" 
        OR ("KBA$" NEAR/5 ("species" OR "plant*" OR "animal$" OR "organism$" OR "flora" OR "fauna" OR "insect$" OR "amphibian$" OR "reptile$" OR "bird$" OR "mosses" OR "tree$" OR "grassland$" OR "pollinator$"))
        OR "important sites for biodiversity" 
        OR ("diversity" NEAR/5 ("species" OR "plant*" OR "animal$" OR "organism$" OR "flora" OR "fauna" OR "wildlife" OR "insect$" OR "amphibian$" OR "reptile$" OR "bird$" OR "mosses" OR "tree$" OR "grassland$" OR "pollinator$"))
        OR (("threatened" OR "near extinct*" OR "at risk" OR "endanger*" OR "vulnerable" OR "protected" OR "red list*") NEAR/3 ("species" OR "plant*" OR "animal$" OR "organism$" OR "flora" OR "fauna" OR "wildlife" OR "insect$" OR "amphibian$" OR "reptile$" OR "bird$"))
        OR "Red List Index"
        OR "RLI" OR "Red List" OR "IUCN" OR "International Union for Conservation of Nature"
    ("increas*" OR "strengthen*" OR "improv*" OR "enhanc*" OR "better" OR "higher" OR "upgrad*" OR "advance" OR "develop" OR "ensure" OR "maintain*" OR "preserv*" OR "sustain" OR "decreas*" OR "reduc*" OR "restrict*" OR "degrad*" OR "lowering" OR "lower$" OR "lowered" OR "declin*" OR "deterior*" OR "degrad*" OR "coping" OR "cope" OR "adapt*" OR "resilien*" OR "assess*" OR "examin*" OR "evaluat*" OR "measur*" OR "monitor*"
      ("biodiversity" OR "biological diversity" 
      OR "key biodiversity area$" 
      OR ("KBA$" NEAR/5 ("species" OR "plant*" OR "animal$" OR "organism$" OR "flora" OR "fauna" OR "insect$" OR "amphibian$" OR "reptile$" OR "bird$" OR "mosses" OR "tree$" OR "grassland$" OR "pollinator$"))
      OR "important sites for biodiversity" 
      OR ("diversity" NEAR/5 ("species" OR "plant*" OR "animal$" OR "organism$" OR "flora" OR "fauna" OR "wildlife" OR "insect$" OR "amphibian$" OR "reptile$" OR "bird$" OR "mosses" OR "tree$" OR "grassland$" OR "pollinator$"))
      OR (("threatened" OR "near extinct*" OR "at risk" OR "endanger*" OR "vulnerable" OR "protected" OR "red list*") NEAR/3 ("species" OR "plant*" OR "animal$" OR "organism$" OR "flora" OR "fauna" OR "wildlife" OR "insect$" OR "amphibian$" OR "reptile$" OR "bird$"))
      OR "Red List Index"
      OR "RLI" OR "Red List" OR "IUCN" OR "International Union for Conservation of Nature"
NOT TS=(("marine" OR "ocean$" OR "seafloor" OR "coral" OR "kelp forest$" OR "kelp-forest$" OR "random forest$" OR "IOT" OR "urban ecosystem" OR "salivary microbio*" OR "gut microbio*" OR "skin microbio*" OR "oral microbiome" OR "gut flora" OR "skin flora" OR "immunologi*" OR "immunology" OR "hormon*" OR "parasite*" OR "syndrome" OR "vector$" OR "enzyme*" OR "infected" OR "infection" OR "infect$") NOT ("terrestrial" OR "soil" OR "soils" OR "woodland$" OR "taiga" OR "jungle" OR "mangrove$" OR "peatland$" OR "bog$" OR "mire$" OR "fen$" OR "swamp*" OR "wetland$" OR "marsh*" OR "paludal" OR "farmland$" OR "agricultural land$" OR "cropland$" OR "pasture$" OR "rangeland$" OR "bush*" OR "shrub*" OR "meadow*" OR "savanna*" OR "plain$" OR "grassland$" OR "prairie$" OR "dryland$" OR "dry land" OR "desert*" OR "mountain*" OR "highland$" OR "alpine*" OR ("fell$" NEAR/15 "Lapland") OR "tundra" OR "freshwater" OR "limnic" OR "inland fish*" OR "lake*" OR "pond$" OR "river*" OR "stream$" OR "brook$" OR "creek$"))

Phrase 4

This phrase aims to find research about the extinction of threatened species. The elements of the phrase are extinction/protection + vulnerable/protected species. It is limited by the exclusion of marine habitats (except when a terrestrial or freshwater term is mentioned) and some other terms which were detected to bring irrelevant results.

  ("extinction" OR "loss" OR "going extinct")
          ("threatened" OR "near extinct*" OR "at risk" OR "endanger*" OR "vulnerable" OR "protected" OR "red list*")
          NEAR/3 ("species" OR "plant*" OR "animal$" OR "organism$" OR "flora" OR "fauna" OR "wildlife" OR "insect$" OR "amphibian$" OR "reptile$" OR "bird$")
NOT TS=(("marine" OR "ocean$" OR "seafloor" OR "coral" OR "kelp forest$" OR "kelp-forest$" OR "random forest$" OR "IOT" OR "urban ecosystem") NOT ("terrestrial" OR "soil" OR "soils" OR "woodland$" OR "taiga" OR "jungle" OR "mangrove$" OR "peatland$" OR "bog$" OR "mire$" OR "fen$" OR "swamp*" OR "wetland$" OR "marsh*" OR "paludal" OR "farmland$" OR "agricultural land$" OR "cropland$" OR "pasture$" OR "rangeland$" OR "bush*" OR "shrub*" OR "meadow*" OR "savanna*" OR "plain$" OR "grassland$" OR "prairie$" OR "dryland$" OR "dry land" OR "desert*" OR "mountain*" OR "highland$" OR "alpine*" OR ("fell$" NEAR/15 "Lapland") OR "tundra" OR "freshwater" OR "limnic" OR "inland fish*" OR "lake*" OR "pond$" OR "river*" OR "stream$" OR "brook$" OR "creek$"))

Target 15.6

15.6 Promote fair and equitable sharing of the benefits arising from the utilization of genetic resources and promote appropriate access to such resources, as internationally agreed

15.6.1 Number of countries that have adopted legislative, administrative and policy frameworks to ensure fair and equitable sharing of benefits

This target is interpreted to cover research about the sharing of benefits arising from using genetic resources of terrestrial and freshwater organisms, as well as fair access to benefits from these resources. Benefits are defined according to the CBD factsheet on Access and Benefit-Sharing (ABS) (CBD, n.d.). They range from basic research to development of products. By the definition of the CBD, benefit sharing applies also to benefits arising from the use of traditional knowledge of indigenous and local communities associated with genetic resources.

The Nagoya Protocol on Access to Genetic Resources and the Fair and Equitable Sharing of Benefits Arising from their Utilization to the Convention on Biological Diversity is an essential agreement related to this target. CBD webpages on Nagoya protocol (CBD, Aug 2022) were used to define the aims and scope of this target.

In addition to papers about the use of terrestrial and freshwater resources, this query also returns some agricultural papers. They are not excluded from the results since the indicator 15.6.1 includes "Countries that are contracting Parties to the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (PGRFA)" (UN Statistics Division 2022; (opens in a new tab)).

This query consists of 3 phrases. The phrases are limited by the exclusion of marine habitats (except when a terrestrial or freshwater term is mentioned) and some other terms which were detected to bring irrelevant results.

Phrase 1

This phrase aims to find research about sharing of genetic resources, including traditional knowledge of the indigenous and local communities. The elements of the phrase are sharing/access + resources/knowledge. It is limited by the exclusion of marine habitats (except when a terrestrial or freshwater term is mentioned) and some other terms which were detected to bring irrelevant results.

    ("share$" OR "sharing" OR "equitab*" OR "equal" OR "fair" OR "access" OR "accessing" OR "accessib*" OR "right$" OR "ownership")
        ("genetic resource$" OR "gene resources"
        OR ("knowledge" NEAR/3 ("traditional" OR "indigenous" OR "autochthonous" OR "local"))
  AND ("ecosystem$" OR "biotope$" OR "biodiversity" OR "species" OR "plant*" OR "animal$" OR "organism$" OR ("genetic resource$" NOT "human"))
TS=(("marine" OR "ocean$" OR "seafloor" OR "coral" OR "kelp forest$" OR "kelp-forest$" OR "random forest$" OR "IOT" OR "urban ecosystem" OR "public health" OR "national health" OR "healthcare" OR "health care" OR "epidemiology" OR "health effect$") NOT ("terrestrial" OR "soil" OR "soils" OR "woodland$" OR "taiga" OR "jungle" OR "mangrove$" OR "peatland$" OR "bog$" OR "mire$" OR "fen$" OR "swamp*" OR "wetland$" OR "marsh*" OR "paludal" OR "farmland$" OR "agricultural land$" OR "cropland$" OR "pasture$" OR "rangeland$" OR "bush*" OR "shrub*" OR "meadow*" OR "savanna*" OR "plain$" OR "grassland$" OR "prairie$" OR "dryland$" OR "dry land" OR "desert*" OR "mountain*" OR "highland$" OR "alpine*" OR ("fell$" NEAR/15 "Lapland") OR "tundra" OR "freshwater" OR "limnic" OR "inland fish*" OR "lake*" OR "pond$" OR "river*" OR "stream$" OR "brook$" OR "creek$"))

Phrase 2

This phrase aims to find research about sharing of/access to benefits derived from utilizing genetic resources, including traditional knowledge of the indigenous and local communities. The elements of the phrase are sharing/access + resources/knowledge + use + benefits. It is limited by the exclusion of marine habitats (except when a terrestrial or freshwater term is mentioned) and some other terms which were detected to bring irrelevant results.

While testing the phrase, it was noticed that knowledge combined with local or traditional brings some irrelevant results about various fields (transport, business, education).

    ("share$" OR "sharing" OR "equitab*" OR "equal" OR "fair" OR "access" OR "accessing" OR "accessib*" OR "right$" OR "ownership")
            ("genetic resource$" OR "gene resource$"
            OR ("knowledge" NEAR/3 ("traditional" OR "indigenous" OR "autochthonous" OR "local"))
            NEAR/5 ("use$" OR "using" OR "utiliz*" OR "utilis*")
            OR ("results" NEAR/3 ("research" OR "development"))
            OR ("transfer*" NEAR/3 "technolog*")
            OR ("participat*" NEAR/3 "research activit*")
            OR ("develop*" NEAR/3 "product$")
            OR (("monetary" OR "royalties") NEAR/3 ("benefit$" OR "compensat*"))
            OR "bioprospect*"
TS=(("marine" OR "ocean$" OR "seafloor" OR "coral" OR "kelp forest$" OR "kelp-forest$" OR "random forest$" OR "IOT" OR "urban ecosystem" OR "public health" OR "national health" OR "healthcare" OR "health care" OR "epidemiology" OR "health effect$") NOT ("terrestrial" OR "soil" OR "soils" OR "woodland$" OR "taiga" OR "jungle" OR "mangrove$" OR "peatland$" OR "bog$" OR "mire$" OR "fen$" OR "swamp*" OR "wetland$" OR "marsh*" OR "paludal" OR "farmland$" OR "agricultural land$" OR "cropland$" OR "pasture$" OR "rangeland$" OR "bush*" OR "shrub*" OR "meadow*" OR "savanna*" OR "plain$" OR "grassland$" OR "prairie$" OR "dryland$" OR "dry land" OR "desert*" OR "mountain*" OR "highland$" OR "alpine*" OR ("fell$" NEAR/15 "Lapland") OR "tundra" OR "freshwater" OR "limnic" OR "inland fish*" OR "lake*" OR "pond$" OR "river*" OR "stream$" OR "brook$" OR "creek$"))

Phrase 3

This phrase aims to find research about the instruments/treaties/agreements for promoting benefit sharing and access to genetic resources and traditional knowledge. The action approach version of this phrase is not limited by actions (promoting or using), since works mentioning the relevant international instruments/agreements are assumed to be related to promoting this target. Therefore this phrase is identical to the action approach version of it.

The elements of the phrase are resources/knowledge + instruments. It is limited by the exclusion of marine habitats (except when a terrestrial or freshwater term is mentioned) and some other terms which were detected to bring irrelevant results.

  ("genetic resource$" OR "gene resource$*"
  OR ("knowledge" NEAR/3 ("traditional" OR "indigenous" OR "autochthonous" OR "local"))
      ("Nagoya Protocol"
      OR "Convention on biological diversity" OR ("CBD" NEAR/15 ("biological diversity" OR "biodiversity"))
      OR "Access and benefit-sharing" OR "Access and benefit-sharing" OR "ABS"
      OR "Bonn Guidelines"
      OR "Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture" OR ("Plant Genetic Resources" NEAR/3 "FAO") OR "PGRFA"
TS=(("marine" OR "ocean$" OR "seafloor" OR "coral" OR "kelp forest$" OR "kelp-forest$" OR "random forest$" OR "IOT" OR "urban ecosystem") NOT ("terrestrial" OR "soil" OR "soils" OR "woodland$" OR "taiga" OR "jungle" OR "mangrove$" OR "peatland$" OR "bog$" OR "mire$" OR "fen$" OR "swamp*" OR "wetland$" OR "marsh*" OR "paludal" OR "farmland$" OR "agricultural land$" OR "cropland$" OR "pasture$" OR "rangeland$" OR "bush*" OR "shrub*" OR "meadow*" OR "savanna*" OR "plain$" OR "grassland$" OR "prairie$" OR "dryland$" OR "dry land" OR "desert*" OR "mountain*" OR "highland$" OR "alpine*" OR ("fell$" NEAR/15 "Lapland") OR "tundra" OR "freshwater" OR "limnic" OR "inland fish*" OR "lake*" OR "pond$" OR "river*" OR "stream$" OR "brook$" OR "creek$"))

Target 15.7

15.7 Take urgent action to end poaching and trafficking of protected species of flora and fauna and address both demand and supply of illegal wildlife products

15.7.1 Proportion of traded wildlife that was poached or illicitly trafficked

This target is interpreted to cover research about poaching and trafficking of protected terrestrial and freshwater species. The target also covers the research about the markets or trade for illegal wildlife products. It is somewhat unclear to us whether the target aims to cover all poaching or just poaching of protected species. In the phrases, we have limited poaching to protected/endangered species.

Some particularly susceptible species were added to the phrase for better recall. The source for these was The UN's World Wildlife Crime Report (UNODC, 2020).

This query consists of 3 phrases. The phrases are limited by the exclusion of marine habitats (except when a terrestrial or freshwater term is mentioned) and some other terms which were detected to bring irrelevant results.

Phrase 1

This phrase aims to find research about poaching and trafficking of protected species.

While testing the phrase it was noticed that the combination of trafficking and animal returns some irrelevant results about animal physiology (receptor trafficking, etc.). These are hard to exclude without losing relevant results.

The elements of the phrase are poaching/trafficking + protected species. It is limited by the exclusion of marine habitats (except when a terrestrial or freshwater term is mentioned) and some other terms which were detected to bring irrelevant results.

  ("poach*" OR "trafficking" OR "trafficked" OR "smuggl*")
        ("protect*" OR "endanger*" OR "threat*" OR "extinct*" OR "vulnerable")
        NEAR/5 ("species" OR "flora" OR "fauna" OR "plant$" OR "animal$" OR "wildlife" OR "insect$" OR "amphibian$" OR "bird$" OR "rosewood" OR "kosso" OR "elephant$" OR "rhino*" OR "ivory" OR "pangolin$" OR "reptile$" OR "turtle$" OR "tortoise$" OR "big cat$" OR "tiger$" OR "glass eel$")
TS=(("marine" OR "ocean$" OR "seafloor" OR "coral" OR "kelp forest$" OR "kelp-forest$" OR "random forest$" OR "IOT" OR "urban ecosystem") NOT ("terrestrial" OR "soil" OR "soils" OR "woodland$" OR "taiga" OR "jungle" OR "mangrove$" OR "peatland$" OR "bog$" OR "mire$" OR "fen$" OR "swamp*" OR "wetland$" OR "marsh*" OR "paludal" OR "farmland$" OR "agricultural land$" OR "cropland$" OR "pasture$" OR "rangeland$" OR "bush*" OR "shrub*" OR "meadow*" OR "savanna*" OR "plain$" OR "grassland$" OR "prairie$" OR "dryland$" OR "dry land" OR "desert*" OR "mountain*" OR "highland$" OR "alpine*" OR ("fell$" NEAR/15 "Lapland") OR "tundra" OR "freshwater" OR "limnic" OR "inland fish*" OR "lake*" OR "pond$" OR "river*" OR "stream$" OR "brook$" OR "creek$"))

Phrase 2

This phrase aims to find research about the markets/trade for illegal wildlife products. In the action approach version of this phrase no action terms are combined with the markets (reduced demand & supply). Therefore this phrase is similar to the action approach version of it, but a wider NEAR distance/AND is used.

The elements of the phrase are protected species + illegal products + markets. It is limited by the exclusion of marine habitats (except when a terrestrial or freshwater term is mentioned) and some other terms which were detected to bring irrelevant results.

      ("protected" OR "endanger*" OR "threatened*" OR "extinct*" OR "vulnerable")   
      NEAR/5 ("species" OR "flora" OR "fauna" OR "plant$" OR "animal$" OR "wildlife" OR "insect$" OR "amphibian$" OR "bird$" OR "rosewood" OR "kosso" OR "elephant$" OR "rhino*" OR "ivory" OR "pangolin$" OR "reptile$" OR "turtle$" OR "tortoise$" OR "big cat$" OR "tiger$" OR "glass eel$")
          ("illegal*" OR "illicit*" OR "criminal" OR "crime")
              ("product$" OR "manufact*" OR "merchandise$" OR "artifact*" OR "fabricat*" OR "handicraft$" OR "handiwork$"
              OR "market$*" OR "supply" OR "supplier$" OR "supplied" OR "demand" OR "trade" OR "trading" OR "purchas*" OR "livlihood$"
  AND ("market$*" OR "supply" OR "supplier$" OR "supplied" OR "demand" OR "trade" OR "trading" OR "purchas*" OR "livlihood$")
TS=(("marine" OR "ocean$" OR "seafloor" OR "coral" OR "kelp forest$" OR "kelp-forest$" OR "random forest$" OR "IOT" OR "urban ecosystem") NOT ("terrestrial" OR "soil" OR "soils" OR "woodland$" OR "taiga" OR "jungle" OR "mangrove$" OR "peatland$" OR "bog$" OR "mire$" OR "fen$" OR "swamp*" OR "wetland$" OR "marsh*" OR "paludal" OR "farmland$" OR "agricultural land$" OR "cropland$" OR "pasture$" OR "rangeland$" OR "bush*" OR "shrub*" OR "meadow*" OR "savanna*" OR "plain$" OR "grassland$" OR "prairie$" OR "dryland$" OR "dry land" OR "desert*" OR "mountain*" OR "highland$" OR "alpine*" OR ("fell$" NEAR/15 "Lapland") OR "tundra" OR "freshwater" OR "limnic" OR "inland fish*" OR "lake*" OR "pond$" OR "river*" OR "stream$" OR "brook$" OR "creek$"))

Phrase 3

This phrase aims to find research about protected/endangered species mentioning The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES). The elements of the phrase are protected species + CITES. It is limited by the exclusion of marine habitats (except when a terrestrial or freshwater term is mentioned) and some other terms which were detected to bring irrelevant results.

No action terms are combined with the action approach version of this phrase since it could be assumed that articles mentioning protected/endangered species and CITES are action-oriented. Hence this phrase is identical to the action approach version of it.

The phrase is quite broad and return also some articles which are more about target 15.5 (protection of threatened species) than about the trade on them.

The term CITES is combined to a string of species terms in order to exclude irrelevant articles which use cite as a verb. Even still, some such articles are retrived by this phrase.

    ("protect*" OR "endanger*" OR "threat*" OR "extinct*" OR "vulnerable")
    NEAR/5 ("species" OR "flora" OR "fauna" OR "plant$" OR "animal$" OR "wildlife" OR "insect$" OR "amphibian$" OR "bird$" OR "rosewood" OR "kosso" OR "elephant$" OR "rhino*" OR "ivory" OR "pangolin$" OR "reptile$" OR "turtle$" OR "tortoise$" OR "big cat$" OR "tiger$" OR "glass eel$")
    ("Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora" 
    OR ("CITES" NEAR/15 ("species" OR "flora" OR "fauna" OR "plant$" OR "animal$" OR "wildlife" OR "insect$" OR "amphibian$" OR "bird$" OR "rosewood" OR "kosso" OR "elephant$" OR "rhino*" OR "ivory" OR "pangolin$" OR "reptile$" OR "turtle$" OR "tortoise$" OR "big cat$" OR "tiger$" OR "glass eel$"))
TS=(("marine" OR "ocean$" OR "seafloor" OR "coral" OR "kelp forest$" OR "kelp-forest$" OR "random forest$" OR "IOT" OR "urban ecosystem") NOT ("terrestrial" OR "soil" OR "soils" OR "woodland$" OR "taiga" OR "jungle" OR "mangrove$" OR "peatland$" OR "bog$" OR "mire$" OR "fen$" OR "swamp*" OR "wetland$" OR "marsh*" OR "paludal" OR "farmland$" OR "agricultural land$" OR "cropland$" OR "pasture$" OR "rangeland$" OR "bush*" OR "shrub*" OR "meadow*" OR "savanna*" OR "plain$" OR "grassland$" OR "prairie$" OR "dryland$" OR "dry land" OR "desert*" OR "mountain*" OR "highland$" OR "alpine*" OR ("fell$" NEAR/15 "Lapland") OR "tundra" OR "freshwater" OR "limnic" OR "inland fish*" OR "lake*" OR "pond$" OR "river*" OR "stream$" OR "brook$" OR "creek$"))

Target 15.8

15.8 By 2020, introduce measures to prevent the introduction and significantly reduce the impact of invasive alien species on land and water ecosystems and control or eradicate the priority species

15.8.1 Proportion of countries adopting relevant national legislation and adequately resourcing the prevention or control of invasive alien species

This target is interpreted to cover research about the introduction of alien species to terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems and about controlling and eradicating them. It also covers research about the impact of alien species. The impacts are specified as defined in the SDG metadata for indicator 15.8.1 (UN Statistics Division 2022; (opens in a new tab)).

By the definition of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), from webpages from the CBD:

"Invasive alien species are plants, animals, pathogens and other organisms that are non-native to an ecosystem, and which may cause economic or environmental harm or adversely affect human health" (CBD, May 2021)

Not all alien species are invasive, and not all papers about invasive species necessarily mention the term alien. Terms invasive and invasive alien are sometimes used inconsistently. These phrases are designed to find research about preventing the introduction of any alien or invasive species to the ecosystems, and the negative impacts of them.

The phrases also return some papers about the effects of invasive species on agriculture (pests, diseases). By the CBD definition these might also be considered relevant (economic or environmental harm) even though they would not deal with the impacts on natural ecosystems.

All phrases return irrelevant medical papers (invasive disease/infection caused by a pathogen species/organism). Of the checked results for each phrase, on average 2/100 were medical. These are hard to exclude, because (by the BCD definition) relevant papers may also be about the effects invasive alien species have on human health. Hence NOT disease etc. will exclude also relevant papers.

This query consists of 3 phrases. The phrases are limited by the exclusion of marine habitats (except when a terrestrial or freshwater term is mentioned) and some other terms which were detected to bring irrelevant results.

Phrase 1

This phrase aims to find research about the introduction/spread of alien/invasive species. The elements of the phrase are introduction + alien species. It is limited by the exclusion of marine habitats (except when a terrestrial or freshwater term is mentioned) and some other terms which were detected to bring irrelevant results.

  ("introduct*" OR "spread*" OR "expansion" OR "dispers*" OR "range increase")
        ("invasive" OR "alien" OR "exotic" OR "nonnative" OR "non-native" OR "nonindigenous" OR "non-indigenous")
        NEAR/5 ("species" OR "flora" OR "fauna" OR "plant$" OR "animal$" OR "organism$" OR "wildlife" OR "insect$" OR "amphibian$" OR "reptile$" OR "bird$" OR "rodent$")
TS=(("marine" OR "ocean$" OR "seafloor" OR "coral" OR "kelp forest$" OR "kelp-forest$" OR "random forest$" OR "IOT" OR "urban ecosystem") NOT ("terrestrial" OR "soil" OR "soils" OR "woodland$" OR "taiga" OR "jungle" OR "mangrove$" OR "peatland$" OR "bog$" OR "mire$" OR "fen$" OR "swamp*" OR "wetland$" OR "marsh*" OR "paludal" OR "farmland$" OR "agricultural land$" OR "cropland$" OR "pasture$" OR "rangeland$" OR "bush*" OR "shrub*" OR "meadow*" OR "savanna*" OR "plain$" OR "grassland$" OR "prairie$" OR "dryland$" OR "dry land" OR "desert*" OR "mountain*" OR "highland$" OR "alpine*" OR ("fell$" NEAR/15 "Lapland") OR "tundra" OR "freshwater" OR "limnic" OR "inland fish*" OR "lake*" OR "pond$" OR "river*" OR "stream$" OR "brook$" OR "creek$"))

Phrase 2

This phrase aims to find research about the impact of alien or invasive species on ecosystems. The elements of the phrase are alien species + impact. It is limited by the exclusion of marine habitats (except when a terrestrial or freshwater term is mentioned) and some other terms which were detected to bring irrelevant results.

    ("invasive" OR "alien" OR "exotic" OR "nonnative" OR "non-native" OR "nonindigenous" OR "non-indigenous")
    NEAR/3 ("species" OR "flora" OR "fauna" OR "plant$" OR "animal$" OR "organism$" OR "wildlife" OR "insect$" OR "amphibian$" OR "reptile$" OR "bird$" OR "rodent$")
      ("impact*" OR "effect*" OR "affect*" OR "consequen*"
      OR "competition"
      OR "predation"
      OR "hybridisation"
      OR ("disease$" NEAR/3 ("transmission" OR "transmit*"))
      OR "parasitism"
      OR "trampling"
      OR "rooting"
      OR ("biodiversity" NEAR/3 ("loss" OR "lost"))
      OR ("habitat$" NEAR/3 "degrad*")
      OR ("ecosystem service$" NEAR/3 ("loss" OR "lost"))
TS=(("marine" OR "ocean$" OR "seafloor" OR "coral" OR "kelp forest$" OR "kelp-forest$" OR "random forest$" OR "IOT" OR "urban ecosystem") NOT ("terrestrial" OR "soil" OR "soils" OR "woodland$" OR "taiga" OR "jungle" OR "mangrove$" OR "peatland$" OR "bog$" OR "mire$" OR "fen$" OR "swamp*" OR "wetland$" OR "marsh*" OR "paludal" OR "farmland$" OR "agricultural land$" OR "cropland$" OR "pasture$" OR "rangeland$" OR "bush*" OR "shrub*" OR "meadow*" OR "savanna*" OR "plain$" OR "grassland$" OR "prairie$" OR "dryland$" OR "dry land" OR "desert*" OR "mountain*" OR "highland$" OR "alpine*" OR ("fell$" NEAR/15 "Lapland") OR "tundra" OR "freshwater" OR "limnic" OR "inland fish*" OR "lake*" OR "pond$" OR "river*" OR "stream$" OR "brook$" OR "creek$"))

Phrase 3

This phrase aims to find research about controlling and eradicating invasive or alien species. The elements of the phrase are reduction + alien species. It is limited by the exclusion of marine habitats (except when a terrestrial or freshwater term is mentioned) and some other terms which were detected to bring irrelevant results. This string is the same as the action approach.

  ("reduc*" OR "decreas*" OR "tackle" OR "control*" OR "eradicat*" OR "remov*")
        ("invasive" OR "alien" OR "exotic" OR "nonnative" OR "non-native" OR "nonindigenous" OR "non-indigenous")
        NEAR/3 ("species" OR "flora" OR "fauna" OR "plant$" OR "animal$" OR "organism$" OR "wildlife" OR "insect$" OR "amphibian$" OR "reptile$" OR "bird$" OR "rodent$")
TS=(("marine" OR "ocean$" OR "seafloor" OR "coral" OR "kelp forest$" OR "kelp-forest$" OR "random forest$" OR "IOT" OR "urban ecosystem") NOT ("terrestrial" OR "soil" OR "soils" OR "woodland$" OR "taiga" OR "jungle" OR "mangrove$" OR "peatland$" OR "bog$" OR "mire$" OR "fen$" OR "swamp*" OR "wetland$" OR "marsh*" OR "paludal" OR "farmland$" OR "agricultural land$" OR "cropland$" OR "pasture$" OR "rangeland$" OR "bush*" OR "shrub*" OR "meadow*" OR "savanna*" OR "plain$" OR "grassland$" OR "prairie$" OR "dryland$" OR "dry land" OR "desert*" OR "mountain*" OR "highland$" OR "alpine*" OR ("fell$" NEAR/15 "Lapland") OR "tundra" OR "freshwater" OR "limnic" OR "inland fish*" OR "lake*" OR "pond$" OR "river*" OR "stream$" OR "brook$" OR "creek$"))

Target 15.9

15.9 By 2020, integrate ecosystem and biodiversity values into national and local planning, development processes, poverty reduction strategies and accounts

15.9.1 (a) Number of countries that have established national targets in accordance with or similar to Aichi Biodiversity Target 2 of the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011–2020 in their national biodiversity strategy and action plans and the progress reported towards these targets; and (b) integration of biodiversity into national accounting and reporting systems, defined as implementation of the System of Environmental-Economic Accountings

This target is interpreted to cover research about national or local strategies/accounting/reporting and ecosystem values, conserving biodiversity, or the CBD Aichi Biodiversity Target 2 (CBD webpages; CBD, Sep 2020). This covers research about national plans in context of Aichi biodiversity targets and System of Environmental-Economic Accounting which are mentioned in the SDG metadata for indicator 15.9.1 (UN Statistics Division 2022; (opens in a new tab)). Biodiversity and ecosystem values are interpreted to be about protecting and conserving biodiversity and ecosystems. Even though the target specifies development processes and poverty reduction, strategies and plans in the phrases are not limited to just these.

Articles about ecosystem and biodiversity values in national planning were assumed to be related to promoting the implementation of these. Hence, no action terms (such as promote, enable, etc.) were combined with the action approach version of this phrase. This phrase is identical to the action approach phrase.

This query consists of 1 phrase. It is limited by the exclusion of marine habitats (except when a terrestrial or freshwater term is mentioned) and some other terms which were detected to bring irrelevant results.

Phrase 1

The elements of this phrase are Aichi/biodiversity values + conservation + ecosystem/biodiversity + national targets/strategies. It is limited by the exclusion of marine habitats (except when a terrestrial or freshwater term is mentioned) and some other terms which were detected to bring irrelevant results, e.g. public health epidemiology national health healthcare health effects archaeology architecture*. A set of medical terms about human microbiome and diseases was also added to exclude noise found in some cases when diversity is combined with biological etc. These were picked from a set of irrelevant papers found when testing the phrases and are not chosen systematically. It is possible that terms like parasite infection or immunology will exclude also relevant results.

While testing the phrase it was noticed that the term environment will bring a lot noise due to its use on various fields (business environment, cultural environment, learning environment, etc.). To exclude these, environment was combined with a string of species & habitat terms.

  ("Aichi Biodiversity Target$" OR "Strategic Plan for Biodiversity" OR "ecosystem value$" OR "biodiversity value$"
      ("protect*" OR "conserved" OR "conservation" OR "conserves" OR "conserving"
      OR "improv*" OR "restor*" OR "strengthen*" OR "maintain*" OR "preserv*" OR "support"
          ("ecosystem$" OR "habitat$" OR "biotope$"
          OR (("communit*"  OR "environment*") NEAR/5 ("ecolog*" OR "biological" OR "biodiversity" OR "species" OR "flora" OR "fauna" OR "plant$" OR "animal$" OR "organism$" OR "wildlife" OR "insect$" OR "amphibian$" OR "reptile$" OR "bird$" OR "tree$" OR "pollinator$" OR "terrestrial" OR "soil" OR "soils" OR "forest$" OR "woodland$" OR "taiga" OR "peatland$" OR "bog$" OR "mire$" OR "fen$" OR "swamp*" OR "wetland$" OR "marsh*" OR "paludal" OR "farmland$" OR "agricultural land$" OR "cropland$" OR "pasture$" OR "rangeland$" OR "bush*" OR "shrub*" OR "meadow*" OR "savanna*" OR "plain$" OR "grassland$" OR "prairie$" OR "dryland$" OR "dry land" OR "desert*" OR "mountain*" OR "highland$" OR "alpine*" OR "tundra" OR "freshwater" OR "limnic" OR "lake*" OR "pond$" OR "river*" OR "stream$" OR "brook$" OR "creek$"))
      ("protect*" OR "conserved" OR "conservation" OR "conserves" OR "conserving"
      OR "promoting" OR "promote" OR "improv*" OR "increase"
      OR "restor*" OR "enhanc*" OR "strengthen*" OR "maintain*" OR "preserv*" OR "support"
      OR "System of Environmental-Economic Accounting" OR "SEEA"
          ("biodiversity" OR "biological diversity"
          OR ("diversity" NEAR/5 ("ecolog*" OR "biological" OR "species" OR "flora" OR "fauna" OR "plant$" OR "animal$" OR "organism$" OR "wildlife" OR "insect$" OR "amphibian$" OR "reptile$" OR "bird$" OR "tree$" OR "pollinator$" OR "terrestrial" OR "soil" OR "soils" OR "forest$" OR "woodland$" OR "taiga" OR "peatland$" OR "bog$" OR "mire$" OR "fen$" OR "swamp*" OR "wetland$" OR "marsh*" OR "paludal" OR "farmland$" OR "agricultural land$" OR "cropland$" OR "pasture$" OR "rangeland$" OR "bush*" OR "shrub*" OR "meadow*" OR "savanna*" OR "plain$" OR "grassland$" OR "prairie$" OR "dryland$" OR "dry land" OR "desert*" OR "mountain*" OR "highland$" OR "alpine*" OR "tundra" OR "freshwater" OR "limnic" OR "lake*" OR "pond$" OR "river*" OR "stream$" OR "brook$" OR "creek$"))
      ("National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan"
      OR ("NBSAP" NEAR/5 ("Convention on Biological Diversity" OR "CBD"))
          ("national" OR "local" OR "government*" OR "regional" OR "sectoral" OR "municipal" OR "federal" OR "poverty reduction" OR "reduc* poverty" OR "anti poverty" OR "antipoverty")
              ("target$" OR "goal$" OR "program*" OR "strateg*" OR "policy" OR "policies" OR "framework$" OR "governance"
              OR "plan" OR "planning" OR "plans" OR "action plan$" OR "development" OR "developing"
              OR "accounting" OR "reporting"
TS=(("marine" OR "ocean$" OR "seafloor" OR "coral" OR "kelp forest$" OR "kelp-forest$" OR "random forest$" OR "decision forest$" OR "IOT" OR "urban ecosystem" OR "public health" OR "national health" OR "healthcare" OR "health care" OR "epidemiology" OR "health effect$" OR "archaeolog*" OR "architect*" OR "salivary microbio*" OR "gut microbio*" OR "skin microbio*" OR "oral microbiome" OR "gut flora" OR "skin flora" OR "immunologi*" OR "immunology" OR "hormon*" OR "parasite*" OR "syndrome" OR "vector$" OR "enzyme*" OR "infected" OR "infection" OR "infect$") NOT ("terrestrial" OR "soil" OR "soils" OR "woodland$" OR "taiga" OR "jungle" OR "mangrove$" OR "peatland$" OR "bog$" OR "mire$" OR "fen$" OR "swamp*" OR "wetland$" OR "marsh*" OR "paludal" OR "farmland$" OR "agricultural land$" OR "cropland$" OR "pasture$" OR "rangeland$" OR "bush*" OR "shrub*" OR "meadow*" OR "savanna*" OR "plain$" OR "grassland$" OR "prairie$" OR "dryland$" OR "dry land" OR "desert*" OR "mountain*" OR "highland$" OR "alpine*" OR ("fell$" NEAR/15 "Lapland") OR "tundra" OR "freshwater" OR "limnic" OR "inland fish*" OR "lake*" OR "pond$" OR "river*" OR "stream$" OR "brook$" OR "creek$"))

Target 15.a

15.a Mobilize and significantly increase financial resources from all sources to conserve and sustainably use biodiversity and ecosystems

15.a.1 (a) Official development assistance on conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity; and (b) revenue generated and finance mobilized from biodiversity-relevant economic instruments

This target is interpreted to cover research about financing the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity and ecosystems. Financial resources include development assistance and finance mobilized from economic instruments, including incentives mentioned in the SDG metadata for indicator 15.a.1 (UN Statistics Division 2022; (opens in a new tab)) and financial instruments or capacity building initiatives mentioned in the HLPF Background note for SDG 15 (UN-DESA/DSDG et al. 2018).

We assume that all research about financial resources for conserving and sustainable use of biodiversity and ecosystem is relatively action-oriented. Hence, no additional action terms (such as increase, enhance, etc.) were combined with this query and thus this topic version is the same as the action version.

This query consists of 1 phrase. It is limited by the exclusion of marine habitats (except when a terrestrial or freshwater term is mentioned) and some other terms which were detected to bring irrelevant results.

Phrase 1

The elements of this phrase are protection/sustainable use + ecosystem/biodiversity + financing/instruments. The phrase is limited by the exclusion of marine habitats (except when a terrestrial or freshwater term is mentioned) and some other terms which were detected to bring irrelevant results. A set of medical terms about human microbiome and diseases was also added to exclude noise found in some cases when diversity is combined with species etc. These were picked from a set of irrelevant papers found when testing the phrases and are not chosen systematically. It is possible that terms like parasite infection or immunology will exclude also relevant results.

As the use of term ecosystem by others than natural sciences brings irrelevant results, it was combined with a string of species and habitat terms. Terms community area and zone were left out from the phrase in order to exclude irrelevant results.

    ("protect*" OR "conserved" OR "conservation" OR "conserves" OR "conserving"
    OR "promoting" OR "promote" OR "improv*" OR "restor*" OR "enhanc*" OR "strengthen*" OR "maintain*" OR "preserv*" OR "support"
        ("sustainabl*" OR "responsibl*" OR "environmental*" OR "ecological*")
        NEAR/3 ("manag*" OR "use" OR "using" OR "govern*" OR "development" OR "administrat*" OR "planning")
          ("ecosystem$" NEAR/5 ("ecolog*" OR "species" OR "plant*" OR "animal$" OR "organism$" OR "flora" OR "fauna" OR "wildlife" OR "insect$" OR "amphibian$" OR "reptile$" OR "bird$" OR "mosses" OR "tree$" OR "pollinator$" OR "terrestrial" OR "soil" OR "soils" OR "woodland$" OR "taiga" OR "peatland$" OR "bog$" 		OR "mire$" OR "fen$" OR "swamp*" OR "wetland$" OR "marsh*" OR "paludal" OR "farmland$" OR "agricultural land$" OR "cropland$" OR "pasture$" OR "rangeland$" OR "bush*" OR "shrub*" OR "meadow*" OR "savanna*" OR "plain$" OR "grassland$" OR "prairie$" OR "dryland$" OR "dry land" OR "desert*" OR "mountain*" OR "highland$" OR "alpine*" OR ("fell$" NEAR/15 "Lapland") OR "tundra" OR "freshwater" OR "limnic" OR "lake*" OR "pond$" OR "river*" OR "stream$" OR "brook$" OR "creek$")
        OR "habitat$" OR "biotope$"
        OR "biodiversity" OR "biological diversity"
        OR ("diversity" NEAR/5 ("species" OR "plant*" OR "animal$" OR "organism$" OR "flora" OR "fauna" OR "wildlife" OR "insect$" OR "amphibian$" OR "reptile$" OR "bird$" OR "mosses" OR "tree$" OR "pollinator$"))
        OR "Rio marker$"
      ("invest" OR "investing" OR "investment$" OR "financ*" OR "spending" OR "funding" OR "funder$" OR "fund$" OR "grant$"
      OR "financial support" OR "financial resources"
          ("incentive$" OR "taxes" OR "tax" OR "fees" OR "subsidy" OR "subsidies" OR "subsidi?ing" OR "subsidi?e")
          NEAR/5 ("biodiversity" OR "biological diversity")
      OR "ODA" OR "cooperation fund$" OR "development spending"
      OR (("international" OR "development" OR "foreign") NEAR/3 ("aid" OR "assistance"))
      OR "Global Environment Facility" OR "GEF"
      OR "Biodiversity Finance Initiative" OR "BIOFIN"
      OR "Partnership for Action on Green Economy" OR "PAGE"
      OR "Poverty-Environment Action for Sustainable Development" OR "Poverty Environment Action for Sustainable Development" OR "PEAS"
      OR "Green Commodities Programme"
TS=(("marine" OR "ocean$" OR "seafloor" OR "coral" OR "kelp forest$" OR "kelp-forest$" OR "random forest$" OR "decision forest$" OR "IOT" OR "urban ecosystem" OR "public health" OR "national health" OR "healthcare" OR "health care" OR "epidemiology" OR "health effect$" OR "archaeolog*" OR "architect*" OR "salivary microbio*" OR "gut microbio*" OR "skin microbio*" OR "oral microbiome" OR "gut flora" OR "skin flora" OR "immunologi*" OR "immunology" OR "hormon*" OR "parasite*" OR "syndrome" OR "vector$" OR "enzyme*" OR "infected" OR "infection" OR "infect$") NOT ("terrestrial" OR "soil" OR "soils" OR "woodland$" OR "taiga" OR "jungle" OR "mangrove$" OR "peatland$" OR "bog$" OR "mire$" OR "fen$" OR "swamp*" OR "wetland$" OR "marsh*" OR "paludal" OR "farmland$" OR "agricultural land$" OR "cropland$" OR "pasture$" OR "rangeland$" OR "bush*" OR "shrub*" OR "meadow*" OR "savanna*" OR "plain$" OR "grassland$" OR "prairie$" OR "dryland$" OR "dry land" OR "desert*" OR "mountain*" OR "highland$" OR "alpine*" OR ("fell$" NEAR/15 "Lapland") OR "tundra" OR "freshwater" OR "limnic" OR "inland fish*" OR "lake*" OR "pond$" OR "river*" OR "stream$" OR "brook$" OR "creek$"))

Target 15.b

15.b Mobilize significant resources from all sources and at all levels to finance sustainable forest management and provide adequate incentives to developing countries to advance such management, including for conservation and reforestation

15.b.1 (a) Official development assistance on conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity; and (b) revenue generated and finance mobilized from biodiversity-relevant economic instruments

This target is interpreted to cover research about financing sustainable forest management. It also covers research about incentives to developing countries for advancing sustainable forest management, conservation of forests and reforestation.

This query consists of 2 phrases. Terrestrial and freshwater terms are not combined with the phrases 15.b.

Phrase 1

This phrase aims to find research about financing and incentives for sustainable forest management. The elements of the phrase are financing/incentives/instruments + sustainable use/practises/strategies/goals + forests. Part of the phrase (aiming for sustainable forest management) is similar to the 15.2 phrase 1, but the specified management practises are left out of the phrase to exclude results which might be less about sustainability and more about forestry as a business.

  ("expenditure" OR "invest" OR "investing" OR "investment$" OR "financ*" OR "spending" OR "funding" OR "funder$" OR "fund$" OR "grant$"
  OR "financial support" OR "financial resources"
  OR "incentive$" OR "taxes" OR "tax" OR "fees" OR "subsidy" OR "subsidies" OR "subsidi?ing" OR "subsidi?e"
  OR "ODA" OR "cooperation fund$" OR "development spending"
  OR (("international" OR "development" OR "foreign") NEAR/3 ("aid" OR "assistance"))
        ("sustainabl*" OR "responsibl*" OR "environmental*" OR "ecological*")
        NEAR/3 ("manag*" OR "use" OR "using" OR "govern*" OR "development" OR "administrat*" OR "planning")
        ("sustainabl*" OR "responsibl*" OR "environmental*" OR "ecological*")
            ("practice$" OR "method$" OR "forestry operation$"
            OR "policy" OR "policies"
            OR "Forest area change"
            OR "Above-ground biomass in forest"
            OR ("Proportion" NEAR/3 "protected areas")
            OR ("Proportion" NEAR/3 "long-term management plan")
            OR "Forest under certification"
            OR "Certified forest area"
    OR ("protected" NEAR/3 "forest*")
    OR ("reserved" NEAR/3 "forest*")
    OR "UN Strategic Plan for Forests" OR "UNSPF"
    OR "Global Forest Goals" OR "GFG$"
    ("*forest*" OR "woodland$" OR "silvicultur*" OR "arboricultur*")

Phrase 2

This phrase aims to find research about incentives to developing countries for reforestation and conservation of forests. The elements of the phrase are financing/incentives/instruments + reforestation/conservation + forests + developing countries.

Terms planting trees and tree plantations are added to this string, but not used in the strings of 15.2. In the context of this phrase these terms are likely to return relevant results. Whereas in the strings of 15.2 without the connection to incentives, they might bring noise.

Our classification of countries as least developed countries (LDCs), small island developing states (SIDS) and landlocked developing states (LDS) is taken from the Statistical Annex of United Nations World Economic Situation and Prospects (tables F, H and I) (United Nations, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021). Additional terms for these countries, generic terms for country groups, and terms for low and middle income countries (LMICs) were gathered from the LMIC 2020 filter from the Norwegian Satellite of Cochrane Effective Practice and Organisation of Care (EPOC), developed by the Norwegian Institute of Public Heath ( (opens in a new tab)).

  ("expenditure" OR "invest" OR "investing" OR "investment$" OR "financ*" OR "spending" OR "funding" OR "funder$" OR "fund$" OR "grant$"
  OR "financial support" OR "financial resources"
  OR "incentive$" OR "taxes" OR "tax" OR "fees" OR "subsidy" OR "subsidies" OR "subsidi?ing" OR "subsidi?e"
  OR "ODA" OR "cooperation fund$" OR "development spending"
  OR (("international" OR "development" OR "foreign") NEAR/3 ("aid" OR "assistance"))
    ("afforestr*" OR "reforestr*"
        ("increas*" OR "expand*")
          ("woodland$" OR "silvicultur*" OR "arboricultur*"
          OR ("*forest*" NEAR/3 ("cover*" OR "area$" OR "zone$" OR "*land$"))
        ("restor*" OR "rehabilita*" OR "conservation" OR "protect*" OR "maintain*" OR "preserv*" ) 
        NEAR/5 ("*forest*" OR "woodland$")
    OR "UN-REDD" OR "UN REDD" OR "United Nations REDD" 
	  OR (("planting" OR "plant" OR "plantation") NEAR/3 "tree$")
  AND ("*forest*" OR "woodland$" OR "silvicultur*" OR "arboricultur*")
    ("least developed countr*" OR "least developed nation$"
    OR "developing countr*" OR "developing nation$" OR "developing states" OR "developing world"
    OR "less developed countr*" OR "less developed nation$" OR "under developed countr*" OR "under developed nation$" OR "underdeveloped countr*" OR "underdeveloped nation$" OR "underserved countr*" OR "underserved nation$" OR "deprived countr*" OR "deprived nation$"
    OR "middle income countr*" OR "middle income nation$"
    OR "low income countr*" OR "low income nation$" OR "lower income countr*" OR "lower income nation$"
    OR "poor countr*" OR "poor nation$" OR "poorer countr*" OR "poorer nation$"
    OR "lmic" OR "lmics" OR "third world" OR "global south" OR "lami countr*" OR "transitional countr*" OR "emerging economies" OR "emerging nation$"
    OR  "Angola*" OR "Benin" OR "beninese" OR "Burkina Faso" OR "Burkina fasso" OR "burkinese" OR "burkinabe" OR "Burundi*" OR "Central African Republic" OR "Chad" OR "Comoros" OR "comoro islands" OR "iles comores" OR "Congo" OR "congolese" OR "Djibouti*" OR "Eritrea*" OR "Ethiopia*" OR "Gambia*" OR "Guinea" OR "Guinea-Bissau" OR "guinean" OR "Lesotho" OR "lesothan*" OR "Liberia*" OR "Madagasca*" OR "Malawi*" OR "Mali" OR "malian" OR "Mauritania*" OR "Mozambique" OR "mozambican$" OR "Niger" OR "Rwanda*" OR "Sao Tome and Principe" OR "Senegal*" OR "Sierra Leone*" OR "Somalia*" OR "South Sudan" OR "Sudan" OR "sudanese" OR "Togo" OR "togolese" OR "tongan" OR "Uganda*" OR "Tanzania*" OR "Zambia*" OR "Cambodia*" OR "Kiribati*" OR "Lao People’s democratic republic" OR "Laos" OR "Myanmar" OR "myanma" OR "Solomon islands" OR "Timor Leste" OR "Tuvalu*" OR "Vanuatu*" OR "Afghanistan" OR "afghan$" OR "Bangladesh*" OR "Bhutan*" OR "Nepal*" OR "Yemen*" OR "Haiti*"      OR  "Antigua and Barbuda" OR "Antigua & Barbuda" OR "antiguan$" OR "Bahamas" OR "Bahrain" OR "Barbados" OR "Belize" OR "Cabo Verde" OR "Cape Verde" OR "Comoros" OR "comoro islands" OR "iles comores" OR "Cuba" OR "cuban$" OR "Dominica*" OR "Dominican Republic" OR "Micronesia*" OR "Fiji" OR "fijian$" OR "Grenada*" OR "Guinea-Bissau" OR "Guyana*" OR "Haiti*" OR "Jamaica*" OR "Kiribati*" OR "Maldives" OR "maldivian$" OR "Marshall Islands" OR "Mauritius" OR "mauritian$" OR "Nauru*" OR "Palau*" OR "Papua New Guinea*" OR "Saint Kitts and Nevis" OR "st kitts and nevis" OR "Saint Lucia*" OR "St Lucia*" OR "Vincent and the Grenadines" OR "Vincent & the Grenadines" OR "Samoa*" OR "Sao Tome" OR "Seychelles" OR "seychellois*" OR "Singapore*" OR "Solomon Islands" OR "Surinam*" OR "Timor-Leste" OR "timorese" OR "Tonga*" OR "Trinidad and Tobago" OR "Trinidad & Tobago" OR "trinidadian$" OR "tobagonian$" OR "Tuvalu*" OR "Vanuatu*" OR "Anguilla*" OR "Aruba*" OR "Bermuda*" OR "Cayman Islands" OR "Northern Mariana$" OR "Cook Islands" OR "Curacao" OR "French Polynesia*" OR "Guadeloupe*" OR "Guam" OR "Martinique" OR "Montserrat" OR "New Caledonia*" OR "Niue" OR "Puerto Rico" OR "puerto rican" OR "Sint Maarten" OR "Turks and Caicos" OR "Turks & Caicos" OR "Virgin Islands"      OR  "Afghanistan" OR "afghan*" OR "Armenia*" OR "Azerbaijan*" OR "Bhutan" OR "bhutanese" OR "Bolivia*" OR "Botswana*" OR "Burkina Faso" OR "Burundi" OR "Central African Republic" OR "Chad" OR "Eswatini" OR "eswantian" OR "Ethiopia*" OR "Kazakhstan*" OR "kazakh" OR "Kyrgyzstan" OR "Kyrgyz*" OR "kirghizia" OR "kirgizstan" OR "Lao People’s Democratic Republic" OR "Laos" OR "Lesotho" OR "Malawi" OR "malawian" OR "Mali" OR "Mongolia*" OR "Nepal*" OR "Niger" OR "North Macedonia" OR "Republic of Macedonia" OR "Paraguay" OR "Moldova*" OR "Rwanda$" OR "South Sudan" OR "sudanese" OR "Swaziland" OR "Tajikistan" OR "tadjikistan" OR "tajikistani$" OR "Turkmenistan" OR "Uganda*" OR "Uzbekistan" OR "uzbekistani$" OR "Zambia" OR "zambian$" OR "Zimbabwe*"      OR   "albania*" OR "algeria*" OR "angola*" OR "argentina*" OR "azerbaijan*" OR "bahrain*" OR "belarus*" OR "byelarus*" OR "belorussia" OR "belize*" OR "honduras" OR "honduran" OR "dahomey" OR "bosnia*" OR "herzegovina*" OR "botswana*" OR "bechuanaland" OR "brazil*" OR "brasil*" OR "bulgaria*" OR "upper volta" OR "kampuchea" OR "khmer republic" OR "cameroon*" OR "cameroun" OR "ubangi shari" OR "chile*" OR "china" OR "chinese" OR "colombia*" OR "costa rica*" OR "cote d’ivoire" OR "cote divoire" OR "cote d ivoire" OR "ivory coast" OR "croatia*" OR "cyprus" OR "cypriot" OR "czech" OR "ecuador*" OR "egypt*" OR "united arab republic" OR "el salvador*" OR "estonia*" OR "eswatini" OR "swaziland" OR "swazi" OR "gabon" OR "gabonese" OR "gabonaise" OR "gambia*" OR "ghana*" OR "gibralta*" OR "greece" OR "greek" OR "honduras" OR "honduran$" OR "hungary" OR "hungarian$" OR "india" OR "indian$" OR "indonesia*" OR "iran" OR "iranian$" OR "iraq" OR "iraqi$" OR "isle of man" OR "jordan" OR "jordanian$" OR "kenya*" OR "korea*" OR "kosovo" OR "kosovan$" OR "latvia*" OR "lebanon" OR "lebanese" OR "libya*" OR "lithuania*" OR "macau" OR "macao" OR "macanese" OR "malagasy" OR "malaysia*" OR "malay federation" OR "malaya federation" OR "malta" OR "maltese" OR "mauritania" OR "mauritanian$" OR "mexico" OR "mexican$" OR "montenegr*" OR "morocco" OR "moroccan$" OR "namibia*" OR "netherlands antilles" OR "nicaragua*" OR "nigeria*" OR "oman" OR "omani$" OR "muscat" OR "pakistan*" OR "panama*" OR "papua new guinea*" OR "peru" OR "peruvian$" OR "philippine$" OR "philipine$" OR "phillipine$" OR "phillippine$" OR "filipino$" OR "filipina$" OR "poland" OR "polish" OR "portugal" OR "portugese" OR "romania*" OR "russia" OR "russian$" OR "polynesia*" OR "saudi arabia*" OR "serbia*" OR "slovakia*" OR "slovak republic" OR "slovenia*" OR "melanesia*" OR "south africa*" OR "sri lanka*" OR "dutch guiana" OR "netherlands guiana" OR "syria" OR "syrian$" OR "thailand" OR "thai" OR "tunisia*" OR "ukraine" OR "ukrainian$" OR "uruguay*" OR "venezuela*" OR "vietnam*" OR "west bank" OR "gaza" OR "palestine" OR "palestinian$" OR "yugoslavia*" OR "turkish"  OR "turkey" OR "georgia"

Target 15.c

15.c Enhance global support for efforts to combat poaching and trafficking of protected species, including by increasing the capacity of local communities to pursue sustainable livelihood opportunities

15.c.1 Proportion of traded wildlife that was poached or illicitly trafficked

This target is interpreted to cover research about combatting poaching and trafficking of protected species, including research about capacity and poaching (e.g. education, collaboration). It also covers research about poaching of protected animals in relation to the local communities' opportunities for sustainable livelihood. It is somewhat unclear to us whether the target aims to cover all poaching or just poaching of protected species. In the phrases, we have limited poaching to protected/endangered species.

This interpretation is the same as the action approach, and the strings are currently identical. This may need to be revisited, for example, should the topic approach cover all research about poaching?

Some particularly susceptible species were added to the phrases for better recall. The source for these was The UN's World Wildlife Crime Report (UNODC, 2020).

This query consists of 2 phrases. Both phrases are limited by the exclusion of marine habitats (except when a terrestrial or freshwater term is mentioned) and some other terms which were detected to bring irrelevant results.

Phrase 1

The elements of the phrase are action/capacity building/instruments + poaching/trafficking + protected species. The phrase is limited by the exclusion of marine habitats (except when a terrestrial or freshwater term is mentioned) and some other terms which were detected to bring irrelevant results.

This phrase is similar to target 15.7 phrase 1, but is focused on finding research about the support and capacity building (including financing) to fight against poaching and trafficking of protected species. As in target 15.7, the combination of trafficking and animal return some irrelevant results about animal physiology (receptor trafficking, etc.). These are hard to exclude without losing relevant results.

    ("stop*" OR "end" OR "ends" OR "ended" OR "ending" OR "halt*"
    OR "resist*" OR "reduc*" OR "decreas*" OR "minimi*" OR "tackle*" OR "control*" OR "prevent*" OR "combat*"
    OR "anti-poaching"
    OR "capacity building" OR "capacity development" OR "capacity"
    OR "cooperation" OR "collaboration" OR "network$" OR "support"
    OR "policy" OR "policies" OR "empower*"
    OR "knowledge transfer*"
    OR (("raise" OR "raising") NEAR/3 ("awareness" OR "knowledge"))
    OR ("disseminat*" NEAR/3 "information")
    OR "educat*"
    OR "Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora" OR "CITES"
    OR "Landscapes for People, Food and Nature partnership"
    NEAR/15 ("poach*" OR "trafficking" OR "trafficked" OR "smuggl*" OR "illegal harvest*")
      ("protect*" OR "endanger*" OR "threat*" OR "extinct*" OR "vulnerable")
          ("species" OR "flora" OR "fauna" OR "plant$" OR "animal$" OR "wildlife" OR "insect$" OR "amphibian$" OR "bird$" OR "mammals$"
          OR "rosewood" OR "kosso" OR "elephant$" OR "rhino*" OR "ivory" OR "pangolin$" OR "reptile$" OR "turtle$" OR "tortoise$" OR "big cat$" OR "tiger$" OR "glass eel$"
TS=(("marine" OR "ocean$" OR "seafloor" OR "coral" OR "kelp forest$" OR "kelp-forest$" OR "random forest$" OR "decision forest$" OR "IOT" OR "urban ecosystem" OR "public health" OR "national health" OR "healthcare" OR "health care" OR "epidemiology" OR "health effect$" OR "archaeolog*" OR "architect*") NOT ("terrestrial" OR "soil" OR "soils" OR "woodland$" OR "taiga" OR "jungle" OR "mangrove$" OR "peatland$" OR "bog$" OR "mire$" OR "fen$" OR "swamp*" OR "wetland$" OR "marsh*" OR "paludal" OR "farmland$" OR "agricultural land$" OR "cropland$" OR "pasture$" OR "rangeland$" OR "bush*" OR "shrub*" OR "meadow*" OR "savanna*" OR "plain$" OR "grassland$" OR "prairie$" OR "dryland$" OR "dry land" OR "desert*" OR "mountain*" OR "highland$" OR "alpine*" OR ("fell$" NEAR/15 "Lapland") OR "tundra" OR "freshwater" OR "limnic" OR "inland fish*" OR "lake*" OR "pond$" OR "river*" OR "stream$" OR "brook$" OR "creek$"))

Phrase 2

This phrase aims to find research about poaching and trafficking of protected species in relation to sustainable livelihood opportunities of the local communities. CITES is added as an alternative to poaching or trafficking of protected species because often the implications to the local communities follow from the application of CITES decisions (CITES & General Secretariat of the Organization of American States, 2015).

The elements of the phrase are CITES/poaching/trafficking + protected species + livelihood of local communities. In order to specify to the terrestrial and freshwater species, the phrase is combined with Terrestrial and freshwater terms with AND.

  ("Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora"
        ("species" OR "flora" OR "fauna" OR "plant$" OR "animal$" OR "wildlife" OR "insect$" OR "amphibian$" OR "bird$" OR "mammals$"
        OR "rosewood" OR "kosso" OR "elephant$" OR "rhino*" OR "ivory" OR "pangolin$" OR "reptile$" OR "turtle$" OR "tortoise$" OR "big cat$" OR "tiger$" OR "glass eel$"
      ("poach*" OR "trafficking" OR "trafficked" OR "smuggl*" OR "illegal harvest*")
          ("protect*" OR "endanger*" OR "threat*" OR "extinct*" OR "vulnerable")
              ("species" OR "flora" OR "fauna" OR "plant$" OR "animal$" OR "wildlife" OR "insect$" OR "amphibian$" OR "bird$" OR "mammals$"
              OR "rosewood" OR "kosso" OR "elephant$" OR "rhino*" OR "ivory" OR "pangolin$" OR "reptile$" OR "turtle$" OR "tortoise$" OR "big cat$" OR "tiger$" OR "glass eel$"
      ("livelihood$" OR "employment"
      OR (("local" OR "indigenous" OR "rural" OR "native") NEAR/3 ("community" OR "communities" OR "people$"))
          ("sustainable" OR "ecological" OR "legal" OR "eco friendly" OR "alternative$")
          NEAR/5 ("fishing" OR "fisher$" OR "hunt" OR "hunting" OR "hunter$" OR "*tourism" OR "agroforestry" OR "agriculture" OR "income")
TS=(("marine" OR "ocean$" OR "seafloor" OR "coral" OR "kelp forest$" OR "kelp-forest$" OR "random forest$" OR "decision forest$" OR "IOT" OR "urban ecosystem" OR "public health" OR "national health" OR "healthcare" OR "health care" OR "epidemiology" OR "health effect$" OR "archaeolog*" OR "architect*") NOT ("terrestrial" OR "soil" OR "soils" OR "woodland$" OR "taiga" OR "jungle" OR "mangrove$" OR "peatland$" OR "bog$" OR "mire$" OR "fen$" OR "swamp*" OR "wetland$" OR "marsh*" OR "paludal" OR "farmland$" OR "agricultural land$" OR "cropland$" OR "pasture$" OR "rangeland$" OR "bush*" OR "shrub*" OR "meadow*" OR "savanna*" OR "plain$" OR "grassland$" OR "prairie$" OR "dryland$" OR "dry land" OR "desert*" OR "mountain*" OR "highland$" OR "alpine*" OR ("fell$" NEAR/15 "Lapland") OR "tundra" OR "freshwater" OR "limnic" OR "inland fish*" OR "lake*" OR "pond$" OR "river*" OR "stream$" OR "brook$" OR "creek$"))

Works mentioning the SDG

This phrase finds research which mentions this SDG. We include this as we consider works mentioning the SDG as relevant, and want to ensure they are found. It includes terms for the goal, and excludes specialist terms that may use the SDG acronym.

("SDG 15" OR "SDGs 15" OR "SDG15" OR "sustainable development goal$ 15"
OR ("sustainable development goal$" AND "goal 15")
    ("sustainable development goal$" OR "SDG$" OR "goal 15")
    AND ("life on land")
    ("sustainable development goal$" OR "SDG$" OR "goal 15")
    NEAR/15 ("mountain$" OR "terrestrial" OR "forest$" OR "dryland$" OR "grassland$")
  TS=("secoisolariciresinol diglycoside"
  OR "secoisolariciresinol diglucoside"
  OR "SD-stearic acid"
  OR "short-duration grazing (SDG)"
  OR "short-duration group (SDG)"
  OR "set domain group (SDG)"
  OR "spleen-derived growth factor (SDG)"
  OR "steel design guide series (SDG)"
  OR "steel design guide (SDG)"
  OR "spray-dried gelatin (SDG)"
  OR "single-display groupware (SDG)"

5. Contributions

  • v1.0.0: Leena Byholm (Dec 2021-Sep 2022)

  • Internal review: Caroline S. Armitage (May 2022, minor review Oct 2022)

Specialist input: Awaiting

6. Footnotes

CBD (n.d.). Access and Benefit-Sharing (ABS) [Factsheet]. (opens in a new tab) (Accessed 15 Aug. 2022).

CBD (edited Sep 2020). Aichi Biodiversity Targets. (opens in a new tab) (Accessed 15 Aug. 2022).

CBD (edited May 2021). What are Invasive Alien Species?. (opens in a new tab) (Accessed 15 Aug. 2022).

CBD (edited Jun 2022). Dry and Sub-humid Lands Biodiversity. (opens in a new tab) (Accessed 15 Aug. 2022).

CBD (edited Aug 2022). The Nagoya Protocol on Access and Benefit-sharing. (opens in a new tab) (Accessed 15 Aug. 2022).

CITES & General Secretariat of the Organization of American States (2015). Handbook on CITES and livelihoods: Part II Addressing and mitigating the effects of the application of CITES decisions on livelihoods in poor rural communities. United Nations. (opens in a new tab).

FAO (n.d.). AGROVOC Multilingual Thesaurus. United Nations. (opens in a new tab) (Accessed 15 Aug. 2022).

UN DESA (n.d.a). Topics: Forests. United Nations. (opens in a new tab) (Accessed 15 Aug. 2022).

UN DESA (n.d.b). Topics: Desertification, land degradation and drought. United Nations. (opens in a new tab) (Accessed 15 Aug. 2022).

UN DESA (n.d.c). Topics: Mountains. United Nations. (opens in a new tab) (Accessed 15. Aug. 2022).

UN DESA/DSDG et al. (2018). 2018 HLPF Review of SDGs implementation: SDG 15 - Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat deforestation and halt and reverse land degradation and biodiversity loss. United Nations, Expert Group Meeting on Sustainable Development Goal 15: Progress and Prospects, New York. (opens in a new tab)

UNODC (2020). World Wildlife Crime Report 2020: Trafficking in Protected Species. United Nations. (opens in a new tab).

UN Statistics Division (2020). SDG 15 Life on land. (opens in a new tab).

UN Statistics Division. (2021). Global indicator framework for the Sustainable Development Goals and targets of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. A/RES/71/313, E/CN.3/2018/2, E/CN.3/2019/2, E/CN.3/2020/2, E/CN.3/2021/2. Department of Economic and Social Affairs, United Nations. (opens in a new tab) [accessed 8 August 2021]

UN Statistics Division (2021). SDG 15 Life on land. (opens in a new tab).

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Päivinen, Risto; Petrokofsky, Gillian; Käär, Liisa; Harvey, William; Petrokofsky, Leo; Puttonen, Pasi; Kangas, Jyrki; Mikkola, Eero; Byholm Leena (2021) International Status of Finnish Forest Research. Tapio research. [Unpublished report]